Thursday, February 26, 2009

Meetups, TVs, and Throw Up

Yesterday I took the girls to a meetup at softplay. They had a lot of fun. Aidan ran all over the place and Ainsley walked around looking at everyone. I had a few conversations here and there with other people besides my immediate family. It was nice. Afterward we went to lunch at the food court. I have NO pictures because I left my camera at home. ERGH! I'm so crazy about pictures I actually thought for half a second about driving all the way back to get it. LOL

In other news, John and I might have actually settled on a what TV to buy. Our existing TV's tubes are broken so we're getting a flat screed LCD. Though they aren't top-of-the-line we may be going with a Vizio.

Right now all windows, doors, etc are thrown open to air out the house. The house and I smell strongly of throw up. Hmm. Ainsley has been hurling all day. I've had numerous wardrobe changes and am now fully convinced we need a steam cleaner.

It is a beAUTiful day today! Throw up or not it makes me hapPY!

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