Monday, May 31, 2010

This Week

*No New Schooling This Week*

This week we will be having a READING WEEK!!

The girls will be "unplugged" from t.v. & movies and we will be diving into stories and poems. I'm doing this as an experiment because I hope to eventually make the weekdays "unplugged" days. Any schoolwork will be our normal unschooling activities as well as a few things that hadn't been done and we need to catch up on.

(I'm going to stop numbering our weeks. This blog is dated so I should have no problem with figuring out when we did what. )

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Week 14


Write a note to Daddy

* handwriting workbook

( When Aidan was unsure how to form her letters... she wrote very neatly because she was concentrating. Now that she can write her letters without thinking about it... she's writing sloppily and hastily. I do not want her to develop bad habits so we'll be concentrating on neatness for a few weeks)

Random reading

Explode the Code: Lesson 9, 10, & 11 (finish book 1)

(Aidan is flying through the lessons with very minimal help so I've decided to just let her finish Book 1 so that we can run through Book 1.5. I plan for us to do it verbally except for the writing sentences pages.)

Singapore 1A: Lesson 2
X-tra Practice: pgs. 5-6

Wkshts: "before, after, & between"

Emphasis: using a number line


-matching games

Monday, May 24, 2010

Declutter Challenge

I've decided to copy Peterson Party and take up her declutter challenge. I have not set a specific goal/number of items to declutter but I am combing through the toys, books, drawers, clothes, boxes, etc to find items to sell or trash or give-away. So far I'm doing okay. This week I've been craigslisting various things from furniture to old pool ladders. (I do so love craigslist!) I'm giving myself a generous three months to really finish going through the house and garage.
Well.. if you've seen my garage..
then perhaps not so generous!

Look What I Can Do!

& Ainsley's

Sunday, May 23, 2010

1st Summer CookOut

Our new grill (we've finally gone gas)

The girls enjoyed playing and getting dirty

Yay! Ready to dive in

John's Dad came over to help
with putting up the dog fence.


Sorry Dogs ;-)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Math Mania

This week we did more math than I planned. As I've said before... Aidan loves math and so apparently
does Ainsley.

The lessons on number words were a "no-brainer" for Aidan. No review was required. Since she can read it took her just a minute to match them all up. The only word she couldn't figure out was "eight" and so then used the process of elimination to figure it out.

Ainsley really shocked me this week. First of all... she... very vocally... has been making sure I let her do school too. Secondly... she knows a lot more than I was aware of and I'm not even sure how she knows it.

First she matched all her counting bears
with dot cards I made...

Then she counted each card and I'll be danged if she didn't match the number cards
to each as well...

(She's not quite 28 months yet)

Thank you to Confessions of a Homeschooler for all your printables such as this fun math game. I printed out both the Add It! and the Subtract It! game. It's a nice way to practice the math facts although I must admit I doubt Aidan will use it long because she's already memorizing the facts. But! Until she gets them all down.. I'm sure she'll use it.
If not she... then I know now Ainsley will!!!

What else did we learn?

I learned Ainsley absolutely LOVES worksheets too. She calls them her "homework." Seriously, she loved them so much and was so proud that she got homework too, I felt horrible that I hadn't given it to her sooner. She waited all day so that she could proudly show her Daddy.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


This was our first playdate in awhile

Aidan & Kayiah *** Ainsley & Milenah
(Aidan can't seem to make up her mind if she
wants to be the leader or the follower whenever
she plays with Kayiah... it's fun to watch)

A few whiny moments


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

On Order

From the reviews.. this looks like a good resource to use for my dictation and copywork assignments.
I'm excited to see it!

I'm not expecting much out of this but I'm a sucker for "olde time" stories.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Week 13

Yay! Back in the saddle!

knight toothpick dragonfly butcher
candlestick shield behind

Copy work: "I can't wait to meet Pixie."
"Wow! You really are a wolf!"
(A New Beginning)

Sir Small and the Dragonfly by Jane O'Connor

Explode the Code: Lesson 8
Alpha Phonics: Lesson 17
Phonics Pathways: pgs. 56-58

*Review common phonetic sounds

Singapore 1A: Lesson 1 "number words"
X-tra Practice: pgs. 1-4
*Number words wkshts A,B, & C

*Review addition facts


-watching edu. videos
- computer time
-Saxon K counting activities

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Yay John!!!

coming soon

Friday, May 14, 2010


We're having a Mini-vacation this weekend. Tomorrow John is graduating. Technically, he's had his diploma since December, but we felt the ceremony was important.
Why not go and be recognized... right?

Because we arrived in Macon well before check-in at the Hotel... we decided to go downtown for lunch....

and to visit The Georgia Children's Museum. There weren't nearly as many attractions as I was expecting because apparently they haven't built them all yet but we spent two hours there just having fun.


Played with Bubbles

Had Science Lessons

Posed for pictures
(of course)

Played dress-up

Started a band

Became Queens

Went shopping

Ate Pizza

We had a really good time.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Review: Magic Series

I spent a LOOOOng time in Books a Million looking over every series of books I could find. Finding books at Aidan's level with appropriate language and with an engaging storyline is hard. There are many "classic" books I'd love to read to her but most of them... I need to hold off on until she's a little older.

I found this cute little series: Magic Puppy, Magic Kitten, and (I later found out through Amazon... Magic Pony.) The stories are extremely formulaic but in the case of a 3 year old... that works for us. We are now almost done with the first book "A New Beginning" and I must say... I'm quite thrilled with it. To my surprise it is well written with nicely phrased sentences and an expansive vocabulary (more so than I was expecting anyway). The story is above her reading level but not so high she does not understand it and more importantly... she is enjoying it!!!
So, for the moment let me say WHOO HOO!!!

Hopefully the ensuing stories will be just as engaging and enjoyable for Aidan. I'm thinking she'll really enjoy the Pony stories since she's a horse lover.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another N.C. Day



Silly stunts

Having Fun


Today McMama, the girls, and I drove to Raleigh to see my Grandma. I had the opportunity to see her a few weeks earlier at a funeral but a real visit was way past due. I'm very happy we went. I honestly wish I saw her more often than I do. I would like for her to know my girls and for them to know her. To my sorrow... I have never been overly "close" to my Grandmother. (It was unfortunate because she was such a big part of my childhood... a main caretaker.) As I've aged however... I let go of "issues" with her and recognized in me not only some of her traits but also how awesome and strong of a person she is.

Grandma picks up a lot of things from a second-hand shop she volunteers at. Every time you visit her house... you're guaranteed to leave with something. The girls brought home a new boxed set of Baby Einstein alphabet books. Considering Ainsley is all about her "A B C D E F G's" (as she calls them) it was a perfect gift.

A cute picture I snapped of Ainsley outside Grandma's apartment

Monday, May 10, 2010


I'm really looking forward to getting back into the swing of things!!!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Just So (on Mother's Day)

Only a few more days until we're back home... this may be our last trip... it looks like the cancer has cleared up enough so Bridgett will not need another chemo treatment!!!

I'm nice and burnt. I stayed out all day yesterday going to the kid's ballgames... then Andy and I took Carly to an empty field to practice and have fun. Of course, I didn't think to put sunscreen on.

I really enjoy the whole team sports thing... sitting on the bleachers... yelling encouragement... the concessions... the lawn chairs and tents.... the younger kids running around... the whole thing. Shortly, I'm gonna look for something to sign the girls up to do. I'm thinking t-ball for Aidan and soccer for Ainsley.

Now that Cancer isn't as big of a worry... perhaps we can now address the enormous white elephant sitting in the room with us? I'm afraid of how this summer is going to play out.

These last few months have really changed a lot of things... relationships are, I'm afraid, forever altered.

Sometimes I feel as if my husband doesn't know me as he ought... I'm not sure why because I'm quite open and honest about who I am and what my preferences are. I hate having to act pleased when in reality I'm disappointed. (and yes... slightly angry)

Having older cousins to spend time with them is so great for the girls... but so bad for them as well. I wonder how long it will take before Aidan becomes Aidan again? Or is she forever going to be this sassy, back-talking, whiny child?

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Dear Ainsley

You scared the mess out of me again. I had to take you to the hospital this week. You were running a 104 fever and so very lethargic! You would barely move, you weren't very responsive, and you kept falling asleep. I HATED seeing you like that! It turns out you've had a U.T.I. and I wasn't aware of it. I feel like a bad Mother even if in retrospect... I can say that although there might have been signs... there was nothing consistent or overly obvious. However, I do not intend to let that sneak past me again... I know what to look for the next time.

While you were in the hospital I sat beside you... stroking your hair... and watching you. Some little part of me was enjoying just being with you. It's so rare to get you alone. I was watching you sleep and looking at your face... your long lashes... your elfin chin... the curve of your cheeks. I saw in your face a glimpse of what you'll look like when you're older.

I was also thinking about you and your personality and how awesome of a person you are. You are so smart and observant and funny and such a joy to talk to. You have a lot of things to say and to remark upon. You voice your opinion easily and don't take much flak from anyone. One thing I get a kick out of about you is that you're "quick." You answer people with logical and sometimes really funny responses. I am eagerly and excitedly awaiting to see how you'll turn out. I think you are going to be an awesome person that people will love to know.

I also LOVE the fact that you're social. When we returned to the hospital for your re-check... you were talking to everyone... charming and surprising them with your words and observations and your knowledge of the colors. LOL!

You have a new love now... Diego. I've never really been a fan for either Dora or Diego but you LOVE Diego. (your first crush!!!) Aunt Bridgett recorded a few episodes for you so you lay on her couch.. answering the questions and calling out the Spanish words. I need to remember to ask your Daddy to record a few for you for when we get home.

You play at being cute... you know how well it works for you... it defines you and sets you apart from you sister. Speaking of which... you seem to be trying hard to get the notice and attention Aidan gets. If she can do something... you want to do it too. You are also in the "No, I do it!" stage. I'm hearing that phrase quite a lot lately.

Ainsley, sometimes you're as sweet as sugar and other times you're as stubborn as a mule. I know you would be an absolute brat if you had any Mother other than me. I out-stubborn you... so far.

Finally we ran out of PullUps. You are now in underwear full time. I expect a few accidents here or there but I don't think it'll happen often. Except for the still-used sippy cups and your dinner bib... there is absolutely no more "baby" things in our house. I'm even retiring the highchair... it's time for you to use a booster.

Monday, May 03, 2010


No School.... N.C. week....

This may be the last week! Yay!

Sunday, May 02, 2010


Why I Love Yard Sales!

Deals I've found this week...

A Puzzle organizer I've been eyeing in a magazine.
Retails for $25. Bought it for $3!

Another series of Pride and Prejudice spin-off writing which I'm sure I'll hate but will read anyway because I'm looking for that one good author... or is it because I'm a glutton for punishment?

A brand new set of Disney Fairy books for the girls

Gymnastics equipment...
Together the bar and balance beam retails for over
$650 plus tax and shipping.
(I know because the websites are
bookmarked on my tool bar)

What did I pay?
