Wednesday, September 27, 2006

37 Weeks 4 Days

Aidan has been extremely active today. I really don't think she's chilled for more than 30 mins. It slightly worries me but I reckon it's better to be active than to be still. I just wish I knew why she cannot settle.

Meredith came over yesterday and left this afternoon. We watched two movies: Water and You, Me, and Everyone We Know. I enjoyed seeing her. I'm afraid I don't keep up with friends as often as I should. That might explain why I only have two left.

We almost have everything ready for Aidan. The list of "things to get" is very small. I think I'll feel sad when I no longer have anything to get. Maybe I've been too prepared.

Tomorrow I go for my next check-up. I'm sure I'll finally get checked out. Though I'm not looking forward towards someone messing with me... I'm anxious to know if anything has started or not. I'd be great if I actually got a time limit. "Oh, you'll probably go into labor in a week." Something like that anyway. Wishful thinking?

Saturday, September 23, 2006

37 Weeks

John and I got back from our "day of anniversary" just an hour or so ago. We got started a bit late but went to Hilton Head, SC. Neither of us had been there so we had no clue what was there or how to get there. (We didn't check online before we left). Basically, we just drove there by following signs. When we got there, we had trouble finding the beach and ended up asking directions from a toll-booth lady. Once we were set straight we walked around these little tourist shops, had lunch, and bought bookends made from Agate. Afterward, we found the beach and got our feet wet. I was really tired but the weather wasn't too hot and I managed well. I like Hilton Head better than Tybee. Hilton Head has free parking lots right on the beach. We both were so surprised about that since we're so used to Savannah's parking meters. Anyway, on the beach I quickly lost steam so we left and decided to go to Charleston and to BabiesRUs. (Once again, we didn't know how to get there.) So, we stopped, bought gas at $2.19/gallon!, got a S.C. map, took all the back roads, and prayed that we would somehow remember how to get there. Well, we remembered but both of us were stressed thinking it closed at 9 and that we'd miss it by five or ten minutes. It closed at 9:30. We arrived at 8:50. They had my lamp! Yay! We liked it and bought that, the mattress, and the two mattress pads. (all the things Savannah doesn't carry) Now, we won't have to travel down there to finish our shopping. We can finish the list down here. That'll make things easier. When we left the store we crossed the parking lot and ate dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse. The funny thing was that we were nearly done before either one of us remembered that Longhorn was where we ate the night of our wedding and that we were starting a tradition. The food was much to our tastes this time though. Well, once back home, I set up the lamp and mattress and poked around in the nursery awhile. The lamp makes a difference. I love the nightlight feature. While sitting in the chair with the just the nightlight on- I started imagining little Aidan half-asleep, wanting to be fed, snuggling with me, late at night. I suppose I won't always think it's something to dream about but for now I do. I'm getting very ready to meet this child of mine.

Today was a good day. John was extremely relaxed and had an unhurried attitude. He didn't even mind that we got lost for a time. I did well even with little sleep and didn't have a faint spell. No, nothing spectacular happened. We didn't go on a cruise or to a fancy restaurant but we spent the day just enjoying being with each other. I definitely think we will remember this day.

As for the court thing, I'll try to remember to write it all down later but I'm too tired at the moment. My sister is expected sometime in the morning and it's already 2:30am. So, for now, I'm going to bed.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

36 weeks and 5 days

Went to court today. I actually lost. Instead of explaining about the day my ticket was for I made the mistake of admitting that my dog had been out on another day. That is what the judge tried me for- not what was on the ticket. She waived all fees and then sent me on. I was not happy. Tomorrow I will go into the details of it but it sucked.

Went to appointment today. They had found my folder and all the staff were acting odd towards me. I was in and out in an hour total. Dr. Gerard did her typically... "Hi, Doing fine are we? See you next week!" I wasn't checked out or anything which struck me as odd. She said next week I'll get an exam. Last time she told me to let her know when I start contractions etc. Well, while telling her my changes of the week- she shrugs me off and leaves as soon as she can. I'm afraid I don't like her bedside manner. I realize that she's been in this business for many years but I haven't and it's New to ME... if not to HER. She also was acting funny in the fact she kept repeating that they didn't induce so early unless my water broke etc etc. Umm? I never alluded to nor outright said anything about getting induced so why are you saying this to me? All I said was the baby was dropping, I'm swelling up like a balloon, I see stars all the time, and I'm having contractions. In all of this I never said it with a complaining tone; just a matter of fact "just to let you know" way. I don't get people sometimes.

John and I went by Dr. Ramos's office to see if I needed to fill out paperwork. They said "No" and to just tell the hospital and my OBGYN. Okay. Problem solved.

In two hours it is officially my anniversary. I hope tomorrow is a better day than today.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Just a Test

I've decided to try to post a picture to see what it does so I'll post this picture of John and My wedding..... well, I guess it works!

Funky Pregnancy Dream

I had one of those dreams you hear about that pregnant women have. In it, Aidan decided to be born while I was by myself. It didn't hurt and I had no problems or pain. I had no emotions. I got a white dishpan and caught her in it, wrapped her up in a shirt or some other article of clothing, put her away from me, and then sat there over the dishpan waiting for the rest to come out. When the placenta and all came out I was still attatched to it all by the umbilical cord- though not to Aidan, just the afterbirth. It was pretty gross. All the gunk was going into the dishpan. Anyway, I was completely uninterested in Aidan and really wasn't feeling anything at all. It never occurred to me to wonder if the baby was even breathing. I just sat there and read a magazine because I didn't know what to do about the stuff still attatched to me so I decided to wait until John got home. I remember thinking that this was gross and I couldn't wait until I could be clean again. Well, while I was sitting there John walked in (I think from work), I looked up from my magazine, and calmly announced that Aidan arrived. Weird huh? What is that supposed to mean?

Monday, September 18, 2006

36 weeks 2 days

John and I ran around today and bought things for Aidan. We only got little things like a teether, a book, and some mittens but it was fun. Unfortunately, it's becoming more and more apparent that I need to stop going out. This sucks for our first anniversary- which is on Friday. John is disappointed that we can't really do anything but I know he understands. Tomorrow I have to start the "clean the house up for a party that I'm not aware of." I also have to start figuring out what to make John for Friday. So far, I'm going to make him a book with a letter, a list, coupons, a poem, our vows, etc. I've run out of ideas after that. I hope Friday will be nice. I especially hope Thursday wont ruin it with the whole court thing.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

35 Weeks and 5 days

My doctor still hasn't found my folder. Today, Dr. Gerard obviously had no idea who I was without it and so my checkup was basically...Hi, come back next week, let us know if you feel any contractions. thanks? My blood pressure is still very low and I even lost 1.5 pounds. Woo Hoo! I've been fretting that I'd go in and find out I'd gained 10 pounds this week. The fact that I LOST weight- yay! I asked again about the ultrasound and now I've been told that I might only get one if I go to 39 weeks or something. Dr. Gerard made it seem like it was normal to go into labor around 38 weeks. This somewhat confused me because I'd always read that first timers would often be late. I'm willing to keep my mind open but I'm not sure I'd continue with Gerard the next time. She seems very capable and she's nice but I don't feel any connection. Anyway, after the appointment, John and I went to the Super Buffet near the World Market. We've never been there and I don't know if it was a fluke or what but damn the food tasted good. I definitely will try it again. Afterward, we stopped by Toys R Us to add a few things on our registry that you cannot add online. John was stressing a little about being so late to work but he hid it well and I was proud of him. It was fun hanging out with him. Very rarely do we do anything spontaneous like that- esp my anal engineer husband. On the way back we were stopped by a cop who said my tag was expired. Of course it wasn't really but apparently my sticker is missing. Someone obviously stole it in the last month so tomorrow I'll go and request another one.

The animals were being butt- heads today. Xanth is whining and not listening because Dixie is in heat. Beau decided to hop on the counter, knock over all the plants, and dump the clean dishes on the floor (breaking some in the process). Baer decided to pull the stuffing out of all his chew toys. The living room floor looks like it started snowing. No, I haven't cleaned it up. I will tomorrow. Today was a very OFF day. Both of us are in weird funks and we're tired. Hopefully, we'll be in better moods tomorrow. We have a lot of things to do.

Aidan has been having many bouts of hiccups. She was having one at the doctor's office. I cannot help but smile inside. My stomach kicks out just a little whenever she does it. It's so amazing how much I feel for this little person inside me. I think I might have some very overwhelming moments of emotions after she's born. I can't believe she's nearly here! In a month or less our lives will be forever changed. Everything will change and I'm looking foward towards it. John and I have been so lucky. We got pregnant exactly when we planned and all has gone well so far. I pray our luck continues for many years.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

35 weeks, 4 days

I'm about ready to drop. I slept two hours last night. The last three weeks I've been suffering from horrible insomnia. My doctor prescribed me Ambien but I'm not to take it every night. I am so damn tired. Yeah I know, whine whine. I'm lucky. I know it. I've had the easiest pregnancy I have every seen. I never had morning sickness. My asthma got better instead of worsening. I don't have to work. I don't have any other kids. It is only in the last month that I've had problems... breathing, faint spells, and tiredness. But hell, I don't even have to do the household chores. John will do them all. Yay for wonderful husbands! I love John. He's so great about these things. If I try to do chores or drive anywhere he gets mad. My asthma has kicked in and I have many faint spells when doing any activity. So, I'm basically worthless at this stage. Poor John comes home from work and tries to do everything. Mostly I let him though sometimes I feel guilty and try to do too much and end up sick and dizzy. I plan on keeping the house spotless once Aidan comes but sometimes I worry the habit of never doing anything might have settled in. I hope not but I have always been bad about self discipline.

Today was actually eventful. I got up and went to the vet with Mutti (my mother who lives with me) and her cat, Miss Kit. Kit has been throwing up and sick and Mutti's been worried so I told her I'd pay for it. Dr. Amy thinks it's just a virus. Hopefully it is and not Kit's age (12) or a deteriorating body. Anyway, we came home and I watched Mutti clean the carpet. That was exciting. Yup, my day was eventful.

Aidan is rolling around as I type. I miss her kicking. I know she has no room but I loved it when she startled me. I've always heard mom's complain about how annoying it is but personally I enjoy it each time she moves. I think "ahh, there she is, alive and well!" The last two weeks I've noticed she's not as active. It worries me a bit so I bug the shit out of her to get her to wake up. Mutti thinks Aidan will come out with a grudge. Well, we all have issues I say.

I wish John was home. I want him to come snuggle with me and rub my head until I fall asleep. Selfish of me, but that's what I wish. No one can soothe me like he can.

Tomorrow, I have my next checkup. Hopefully they have found my folder by now. It's been missing for two or three weeks. I think I'll push Dr. Gerard to schedule another ultrasound. Every time I've mentioned it I get blown off but if my insurance pays for it and if I really want it to feel secure then why not? I suppose it's about time for one anyway. To check her size and position. We'll see I reckon.

Cross your fingers!

Well, I know not if I will manage to keep this blog up. I'm great at starting these things...just never continuing with them. I hope I do. I'm 35 weeks and 3 days pregnant. My daughter, Aidan Mckenna is due Oct. 14. I think it would be lovely to have a record about what I'm feeling, thinking, etc during such an important time of my life. Wish me luck!