Sunday, February 01, 2009


Okay so let me tell the world what a horrible mother I am. This has been weighing on me.... My name is Briana... and I was a mean mommy..

At the beach I really wanted to get a good head shot of Aidan... hopefully with her smiling. I wanted a photo shoot. Aidan, being two, a kid, and excited over being at the beach wanted to.... PLAY! ~gasp~ how dare she? Soo, was she cooperative with the picture taking? No, of course not. Did I just let her play and take pictures of her enjoying herself? NO! Instead... I got ... um... frustrated and started taking it out on her and I feel TERRIBLE! What was my problem? What bee was in my bonnet? Honestly, I was one step away from being the next Mommy Dearest... okay maybe two steps... BUT... not only did I lose my temper with my beautiful little girl who just wanted to play but I did it in front of other people who looked at me like I was.... well... like a horrible mother. The picture of what I must have looked like keeps running in my head and I inwardly cringe. Rarely have I acted like that but that still doesn't excuse my behavior. I don't know why I was so frustrated.. at the time it was just driving me nuts that she wouldn't let me take just a few shots.. and ... I wasn't too nice. No... please know... I wasn't beating her or yelling like a crazy lady but I was OVERLY annoyed and if I had seen a mother lose her cool in that way I'd think "dang lady she just wants to play" I did wrong and I'm really sorry.

Really. Really. Sorry.


Sarah said...

you just relived some of my antics too! just goes to show we really are not perfect. I have been feeling a lot of mommy guilt lately too! funny we both wrote about it at the same time.

Unknown said...

It's impossible to be perfect and always considerate of loved ones, even please don't be too hard on yourself. You are a good mom because you are so aware of times of like this! XOXO