Saturday, October 20, 2007

Aidan's Birthday Party!

Today, Aidan had her first birthday party. She did really well though the whole "happy birthday" song scared her and she cried.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

All I want for x-mas is my two front teeth

Aidan popped in her second tooth two or three days ago and today I noticed the third is coming in. The funny thing is that the teeth are the two "canines" the ones beside her front teeth... so she's going to look like a vampire. Haha

It's a Girl....Again!

So, it turns out that Ainsley in on the way. Aidan and Ainsley. I love it. I wasn't as dissapointed about the sex as I had expected. However, I and John were really upset just thinking that the next one would be a girl as well.. Anyway, I'm happy about it now. I still feel sad and wanting when I see a little baby boy. I probably always will until I have one. This picture of the two girls runs in my head a lot. I see John walking down the mall halls on Sears picture day with one little girl on either side of him. Both are wearing matching Christmas dresses and shiny black shoes with fancy white socks. Their shoes are tap tap tapping across the floor. Why this picture has stuck with me I don't know but it makes me happy.

Aidan just turned 11 months yesterday. She is walking now. (and I mean really walking) No, she's not ready to go for a stroll down the street for 20 minutes but she walks all over the house etc. I'm very proud of her. So, she took her first steps barely into her 9th month and she was walking walking at 10! What a wonderful girl she is! She just lights up all our lives. The last two days she's learned to clap. Mutti and I yell "Yayyy" and she just grins and claps. Everyday I put her in her room for an hour or more and she plays so nicely by herself. When I come to join her she just walks to the door and says happily "MamamamaMama" We've started reading to her a lot more and she's now actually interested in the books. She'll point to a picture and I'll tell her what it is. Before, she'd either be bored and whiney and try to shut the book. Miss Thing is still a ham.. she's always trying to do funny things to make us laugh. Yes, she usually succeeds.

I really cannot imagine loving any other baby in this way. I just watch her and "drink up" all her little movements and expressions and actions and there seems to me No way that I could do that for the second, third, fourth kid. Mutti claims I will but logically I think I can't because I won't have the time.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Anniversary Again

I'm looking for a nice, weekend spa retreat for John and I to go on our anniversary. Unfortunately, I'm not finding a very affordable package. The other problem is that though I'm looking I'm not sure I WANT to go away. I"m afraid I can't stay away from Aidan. I'm really not sure I can stay away that long. 3 days of never seeing her just seems so long. John is okay with it but I'm not. I feel so quilty because he wants to just be with me but for 3 days. I hate it when I haven't seen her for half a day!

Friday, August 10, 2007

I really hope...

I really hope that this kid is a boy because I'm not sure I can forgive a girl. Ha Ha Good grief, I'm so tired of feeling sick and so tired. I wouldn't change the fact that I'm pregnant but from the getgo, I have had the hardest time. (Partly, I'm sure, due to the fact that I had just another six months prior.) Sigh! Anyway, Aidan got her first tooth on Tuesday. Its the bottom front right. She's miserable. I believe because she waited so late for her teeth that more will be coming in soon. She's only sleeping an hour or two at night and in the day. It's quite a switch from the normal 14 hours of sleeping with one bottle around 3:30am. I feel so bad for her. Her eyes are red and she's just so tired. It's even worse because she keeps her happy-go-lucky attitude and only has a few moments of crankiness. So, I'm proud of her being so tough but wish at the same time, she didn't have to be.

Monday, August 06, 2007

We're Having a Baby

News Update! I'm pregnant again. This one is due in January. Boy was I surprised! Of course, we really hope it's a boy. I think it is.... instincts and all that. August 30 is when we have THE ultrasound. Aidan in 9 1/2 +. She took her first steps last Tuesday. This is what she is doing:
says "bye bye", "Kee Kee (kitty)", "Momma", "Dada", "Ba" (ball)
repeats consonants when I say "tomato", she says "ta ta ta"
Is almost but not quite yet getting her first tooth
crawls of course
walking approx. 5 steps on her own
scaring the cats and cornering Baer
at her nine month visit she weighed 16 pounds and was 26 inches.