Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Irony is a Bi*ch

When I first heard of my sister having cancer... it was within 2 minutes of getting the most wonderful phone call. Our loan officer called me to tell me that we would indeed be approved for a 100% financing on a new house.... that we needed to go pick one out because they would gladly fund it. The ELATION I felt! The wonderful... soaring... happiness and excitement...and just plain JOY I felt is indescribable. I was EXULTED!! McMama and I were driving in the car and we were celebrating and I was in shock and so SO HAPPY.... and then the phone rang.

My sister had Cancer. She just found out.

I have never felt such a switch in emotions...
that quickly... ever.
From an ultimate high to an ultimate low in a second.

And Now IRONY has reared her spiteful head again.

Yesterday as my sister went for her last scan.... the scan we are all celebrating because this should be the scan that says the cancer is gone or at least so minimalized that only a bit of radiation is needed. Yesterday my sister went to find out she'll have no more chemo and
we were all celebrating.

But while she went for her scan...

McMama went to her own doctor.

And as Bridgett walked out the office...

thrilled she's almost DONE...

McMama is told she most likely has cancer.


Denae said...

Oh no Im so sorry to hear that : (

Sippy Cup Central said...

ohh my what a wave of emotions.