Sunday, June 13, 2010

Trying New Things

This week I'm test-driving a new way of doing things. Instead of making a list of things to accomplish and sticking to that list... I'm going to let Aidan decide how much or how little she wishes to do with each subject. I've been surfing through a lot of other blogs this weekend and saw a lot of "Weekly Recaps" instead of "Weekly Goals". I like that idea. So, at the end of the this week... I'll post about what was done.

Lately, I realized that our system will not continue working much longer. There hasn't been any big issues but I'm sensing that Aidan is getting bored with the pace of things. (she often wants to do more lessons in certain things but I'll tell her no) I also realized that I'm sometimes bribing (i.e. PUSHING) her to do something else (because I put it on her list and want to check it off!!) but she's uninterested in it. I don't like that... even if it has just happened a few times... I believe strongly that young kids should have the lead in their learning... and I don't want to become a PUSHY Mom who forgets herself because of the joy of having advanced daughters.

I do, however, want to make sure we don't turn into cartoon-watching lay-a-bouts...


1) "Unplugging" from the t.v. will again be implemented


2) I plan to finally enforce a specific time where we do school. Since mornings seem to be our most productive time... this week the school bell will ring at 9:30.

After soul-searching... I realized that I'm taking things too seriously and that I need to let go of the control... and let the girls take over. My job, I've told myself, is to offer them materials and let them choose what to do with it.


TheRockerMom said...

Sounds good! I have always flown by the seat of my pants (with Robbie as the pilot). I'd love to have a set time for school, but I don't know if I could do that or not. I may try.. we'll see. I hope it all works out for you an your girls.

Raising a Happy Child said...

Excellent post. I am struggling with a lot of similar issues, plus with lack of time for school. There is such a big difference between times when Anna learns naturally and willingly and when I try to "educate" her. I also went back and forth on material rewards (i.e. bribing) and decided eventually that at this point they do more harm than good. Maybe when she is really interested in money and buying things, I might have something like a nickel for a challenging task, but right now it's really not working for us.