Monday, June 07, 2010

Why I Love E.T.C.'s Half Books

Aidan did finish Explode the Code book 1. Afterward, I copied the "test" page and made up sentences for her to write. She did well considering this was the 1st "test" she's ever done.

(she forgot the a in has & misspelled red as wed.)
(see what I mean about sloppy handwriting?)

We will be going through book 1 1/2. I had assumed that the 1/2 books would be more of the same as the regular books...and although that is mostly true... they are harder. My favorite pages are the ones that require you to piece words together to build and write a sentence. I really like this and wish the other books did this as well. So, we will verbally go through book 1 1/2 but I'll have her write the sentences pages. I'm not worried about skipping all the other writing because she's doing fine with writing... especially since she has her handwriting workbook. We could skip to book 2 but I'm all about building a firm foundation and it shouldn't take overly long to complete it. When we start Book 2... 2 1/2 will be done at the same time.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Tell me more about ETC. I have heard about it but don't really know much. I am looking for lessons to do with Ansley after next week wen we finish 100 Easy Lessons. The first half of that was all review, but the second half has been new. She is now reading on a beginning second grade what level of explode the code would that be?