Wednesday, August 20, 2008



John and I showed the house to his Mom, Nana, and Aunt Mimi. They approved. It will be hard to wait to walk in and know it's mine until the 26th. However, we have much to do....fixing this rental, packing, etc. Next weekend we shall have a yard sale so we need to prepare for that as well. I hope to get rid of all this extra stuff that just sits everywhere.

I went to Carters and bought some clothes for the girls. I need to go back because I've decided the outfits they are to wear for pictures Friday will be matching. Come on.... I get to do it at least ONCE... right?

I haven't really done much else... I've been really tired.

How wonderful to know we will be living there. I love our house and really feel that if it doesn't flood away... we could live many happy years there.

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