Sunday, August 17, 2008

Catch Up

With John being in Macon I haven't had MY computer so I'm lagging behind in the news. Okay, well, later on Thursday, we hear from Debra that the other agent told her that she had faxed the signed offer at 3pm the previous day. Amazingly enough Debra never received this fax. SOMEHOW it must have been sent to the wrong number... or an alien took it... or something- right?

Yeah, the listing agent was just playing games and wanted us to squirm. She's a Realtor-From-Hell! In fact that's what I'm calling her from now on.. R.F.H...!!

Anyway, the inspection was Saturday. It went well... there are no deal breakers with this house. Surprise surprise the (R.F.H.) was up to her tricks again. Our inspection was at 9am. She had arranged for a couple to be shown the house at 10am. Umm, sure go right ahead but don't mind me loudly talking about where I'm putting what where....hehe. Yeah, my redneck roots are showing.... can I be more obvious? STILL....

I am soo excited and scared and terrified and worried and exhilarated and happy and and and everything. My mind keeps going over what could go wrong until closing... what if's..etc...

My mind also keeps decorating and placing furniture. (Usually with furniture I do not own yet LOL)

By the way, Aidan loves her new house. She ran around with this big grin on her face. She's not used to that much room to roam. I can see her and Ainsley happily chasing each other around (and realistically speaking... getting on my nerves with their girly shreaks) Ahhh, happy thoughts!

We've had some bad news. It turns out tuition for the master's program has been upped and Gulfstream is already paying the maximum they will pay so we have to come up with $660 every semester. This semester's is due on the 25th. There went our pitiable savings... Sigh

I guess this means no splurging on things for the new house?

Today Aidan is 22 months old. Two more months to go.... all I can say is Wow!

Ainsley is ALMOST crawling. While on the phone with John (Friday) she started leaning foward so that she was in crawl position and moved foward about two or three (steps? crawls?) John was not happy and told me to grab the video camera. She's been practicing ever since. Go Ainsley!

I'm scheduling our family photo and Ainsley's six months for this next Friday. (We'll just ignore the fact Ainsley is almost 7 months!)

I'm so happy to have my computer back! I've become rather addicted to it.

Poor John is so tired.. right now everyone is asleep. He never went to bed because his group had to complete their project so he crashed as soon as we got home.

Oh, yeah, Mutti and I and the girls went and met him in Metter so he wouldn't have to drive all the way home.... he's liable to fall asleep and we decided we'd just drive the rest of the way for him.

I'm so happy to have my computer back!

I'm so happy to have my John Curtis back! I missed him. When I saw his car pull up beside ours and he stepped out in his slacks and dress shirt.... my heart smiled....I was momentarily overwhelmed. I still pause with that I'm-so-excited-he-is-who-he-is-and-is-all-mine-to-love when I see him after an absence. Hey, it's been years. Shouldn't I get over that by now?

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