Monday, August 25, 2008

Long Night

Aidan had a hard time last night. After going to bed she kept waking up every 15 minutes because she couldn't breathe etc. We actually had her in the car and on the way to the hospital before Mutti and I changed our minds. Instead, we came back home and put her to bed with John and I. I was up a lot last night calming her back to sleep. She didn't sleep well and couldn't breathe and coughed a lot. Our educated guess is that she has croup. She got it from this little girl that was at Sears last Friday. We had noticed the girl was coughing a croupy cough and I had thought we'd kept Aidan away from her... but apparently at one time they were close together and the girl coughed right in Aidan's face. Damn it. Selfishly, it makes me mad because I was planning to take Aidan to Savannah mall for our playgroup. We were to make an art project at AC Moore and then go to softplay. A lot of moms with kids Aidan's age are going to be there and I was really looking foward towards it. So far I've only been to two outings. Well, I suppose next time...

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