Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Nuttin Much Happening
Puzzles... of course
Something new I picked up
Both of the girls like it although Ainsley mostly builds towers
Both of the girls like it although Ainsley mostly builds towers
Monday, June 28, 2010
I ask Ainsley while she's playing dress up if she's the princess. "No," she says. "I'm the Queen!"
While reading a Frog and Toad story... Aidan reads the word "read" wrong and reads it as a present tense instead of past tense. When it's explained that it already happened she quickly points out the picture shows his mouth open so that means he's doing it right now.
There can never be enough puzzles in our house.
The older the girls get... the easier things are. Being stringent in my expectations of their behavior really pays off now that they're older. They behave automatically and I receive compliments everywhere I go on how well behaved and mannerly they are. I'm still looking for those terrible twos and threes. :-)
I will never be too wealthy to NOT yard sale. I have the greatest luck with them and find the absolute best deals!
I really need to buy a notebook for the express purpose of writing down the girls' adventures in their playing. They are so imaginative and detailed! It's like watching an enjoyable play.
I was always an intelligent person but my children are more so. Sometimes I'm scared of having more because I'm already worried I wont be able to pace the two I have.
Touring preschools was a joke. I was thinking hard of putting Aidan in twice a week for socializing and because she would enjoy the structure of school. However, when the only thing the director could come up with on why it would be a good place for Aidan to go is so that Aidan can learn how to use scissors... I knew right then. Learn to use scissors? Yeah, considering Aidan has been using scissors proficiently for well over a year... I think I'm doing a much better job in my lackadaisical way than any preschool could do.
I was accused recently from an anonymous commenter of thinking my kids are greater than any others and that my blogs were nothing but brag fests..... well.... as to that..... all I can say is...... DUUUUHHH!!!! I don't believe I've ever met another parent who didn't really believe their kids were the best and smartest and overall greatest. That's how it should be!
( I would like to point out though... I have never made up anything I've written and I've always striven to be as accurate as I can on how I present things... so if the girls come across as being rather awesome... then that means they're awesome!!!! ;-) )
While reading a Frog and Toad story... Aidan reads the word "read" wrong and reads it as a present tense instead of past tense. When it's explained that it already happened she quickly points out the picture shows his mouth open so that means he's doing it right now.
There can never be enough puzzles in our house.
The older the girls get... the easier things are. Being stringent in my expectations of their behavior really pays off now that they're older. They behave automatically and I receive compliments everywhere I go on how well behaved and mannerly they are. I'm still looking for those terrible twos and threes. :-)
I will never be too wealthy to NOT yard sale. I have the greatest luck with them and find the absolute best deals!
I really need to buy a notebook for the express purpose of writing down the girls' adventures in their playing. They are so imaginative and detailed! It's like watching an enjoyable play.
I was always an intelligent person but my children are more so. Sometimes I'm scared of having more because I'm already worried I wont be able to pace the two I have.
Touring preschools was a joke. I was thinking hard of putting Aidan in twice a week for socializing and because she would enjoy the structure of school. However, when the only thing the director could come up with on why it would be a good place for Aidan to go is so that Aidan can learn how to use scissors... I knew right then. Learn to use scissors? Yeah, considering Aidan has been using scissors proficiently for well over a year... I think I'm doing a much better job in my lackadaisical way than any preschool could do.
I was accused recently from an anonymous commenter of thinking my kids are greater than any others and that my blogs were nothing but brag fests..... well.... as to that..... all I can say is...... DUUUUHHH!!!! I don't believe I've ever met another parent who didn't really believe their kids were the best and smartest and overall greatest. That's how it should be!
( I would like to point out though... I have never made up anything I've written and I've always striven to be as accurate as I can on how I present things... so if the girls come across as being rather awesome... then that means they're awesome!!!! ;-) )
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Playdough Playdate
We haven't had a playdate in quite a while and so I invited a friend over with her daughter (who is 3 months older than Ainsley but 3 or so inches taller than Aidan so she fits right in with them.) They played very nicely together with babies and random toys and I also brought out the play dough for them. (unless told it doesn't matter... I do not post pictures of other kids in case the parents do not wish them to be "exposed") Anyway, I enjoyed it and hope to have the girls see each other more often. They are getting to be old enough to really develop relationships and close friendships.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Starting Back
Aidan started Gymnastics today...again. We changed gyms and from this one lesson I believe I'll like it much better. She actually was the only student present. There apparently is one other but she was on vacation. The instructor, Ms. Angela, put Aidan through her paces trying her out and seeing what she could do. I have to admit to being surprised on how well she did on things. It has been a LOOONG time since her last class and she was doing things she had never done before. It was amusing to see Ms. Angela start Aidan out on trying easy things and quickly having her do much harder things. The only thing Aidan struggled with was climbing a knotted rope... which I do not at all blame her for having trouble with! Goodness knows I cannot do it! Anyway... Aidan enjoyed it but then complained all the way home that it was a "baby class" and she wanted to go to the "big kid" class. I ended up lecturing her on being grateful about going and that she had to work hard and practice with what Ms. Angela says to do and that if she does that she'll move into a bigger class but needed to learn the basics first. I'm sure most of what Aidan heard was "blah blah blah" but I know she heard some of it so .... we'll see how it goes. Watching her today really affirmed in my head...however... that I have picked the right sport for her. Having a Mom with an excellent set of "instincts" *wink* really works in their favor sometimes.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Mommy May I?
This week there have been new developments!
First of all, Aidan has discovered reading in her head as opposed to reading aloud. She actually asks me "Please may I read it in my head?" Of course, with her doing so, I have no clue as to how well she's reading or if she's skipping words but as long as she wants to... I will totally encourage it. I've caught her sitting by herself reading a book "in her head" all week.
Secondly, she's skipped again... this time with fluency. Every time we take a break from "school" she jumps ahead. (Hmmm...) Very rarely does she sound out anything now and rarer still does she sound them out aloud. I know she's sounding them out sometimes in her head because she pauses... but mostly... she's reading steadily without a thought about what the words are.
As I said in my last post... Aidan read A LOT of books. Most of them were "fluency readers" (I call them thus because they are below her actual level but they give her practice with reading easily and fluidly) but some of them were more "meatier" books.
Examples of "Fluency" readers:
Silly Sara
Mouse Makes Words
Examples of more "Meatier" readers:
Danny and the Dinosaur
Frog and Toad Together
Amelia Bedelia
So, this week, I have proven that even if their body spends the week doing nothing... their brains are still hard at work!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Afternoon at the Mall
I love weekends and I love the family time we get to spend together! Today John and I took the girls to play at the mall and shop for Aidan's much needed shoes.
The newest thing... inflatables!
The highlight of the day... The Carousal!
Weekly Review
Well... good intentions and all that...
This week was a bust. Our days were filled with doctor's appointments and runny noses. School was not done and in fact we spent much of the week crashed on the couch watching T.V. (LOL! so much for being "unplugged.") Anyway, this next coming week doesn't look good either. With McMama being sick and with all our commitments coming up... I'm not going to start with my plans until the 28th.
We'll just call this Spring Break!
Unschooling will, of course, continue but I'm not expecting much. I do feel bad b/c things keep being pushed back... but life is often not what you plan it to be.
Sooo.... what did we do?
Aidan read A LOT of books...
We watched A LOT of t.v....
We again did A LOT of puzzles...
and that's about it!!!
This week was a bust. Our days were filled with doctor's appointments and runny noses. School was not done and in fact we spent much of the week crashed on the couch watching T.V. (LOL! so much for being "unplugged.") Anyway, this next coming week doesn't look good either. With McMama being sick and with all our commitments coming up... I'm not going to start with my plans until the 28th.
We'll just call this Spring Break!
Unschooling will, of course, continue but I'm not expecting much. I do feel bad b/c things keep being pushed back... but life is often not what you plan it to be.
Sooo.... what did we do?
Aidan read A LOT of books...
We watched A LOT of t.v....
We again did A LOT of puzzles...
and that's about it!!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Impulse Control- An Anecdote
(McMama related this to me and I HAD to write it down)
Aidan has a tendency to be obnoxious about asking for something over and over and over again. (There's the 3 year old in her!) Today I went to a doctor's appointment and left the girls with McMama. Apparently, Aidan was bugging the mess out of McMama and kept asking if she could have lunch... when was it lunch time... is she going to fix lunch soon... etc.
McMama told her how irritating that was and that of course she would fix lunch but Aidan needed to wait patiently and quit asking. Aidan said "okay" and she "understood".
Then she asked again but clapped her hands to her mouth...knowing she shouldn't have
McMama says "Aidan did you not understand anything I said to you?"
she replied...
"Yes Grandma but my mind keeps telling me to say it. I knew I wasn't supposed to ask but my mind keeps saying....
( she lowered her voice and started whispering)
"go ask Grandma for some lunch"
"go ask Grandma for a snack"
"maybe Grandma will give you a drink"
and then
"It's my mind telling me to do it and before I can stop myself, I do it. It keeps talking to me"
So, McMama asks her "Aidan, who controls your mind?"
"You do Grandma"
'No, Aidan, you control your mind. Daddy controls his mind. Mommy controls her mind. I control my mind. Everyone controls their own mind."
Aidan thinks for a minute
and then very seriously says...
"No Grandma... I don't think everybody does"
LOL! Gotta Love her!
Aidan has a tendency to be obnoxious about asking for something over and over and over again. (There's the 3 year old in her!) Today I went to a doctor's appointment and left the girls with McMama. Apparently, Aidan was bugging the mess out of McMama and kept asking if she could have lunch... when was it lunch time... is she going to fix lunch soon... etc.
McMama told her how irritating that was and that of course she would fix lunch but Aidan needed to wait patiently and quit asking. Aidan said "okay" and she "understood".
Then she asked again but clapped her hands to her mouth...knowing she shouldn't have
McMama says "Aidan did you not understand anything I said to you?"
she replied...
"Yes Grandma but my mind keeps telling me to say it. I knew I wasn't supposed to ask but my mind keeps saying....
( she lowered her voice and started whispering)
"go ask Grandma for some lunch"
"go ask Grandma for a snack"
"maybe Grandma will give you a drink"
and then
"It's my mind telling me to do it and before I can stop myself, I do it. It keeps talking to me"
So, McMama asks her "Aidan, who controls your mind?"
"You do Grandma"
'No, Aidan, you control your mind. Daddy controls his mind. Mommy controls her mind. I control my mind. Everyone controls their own mind."
Aidan thinks for a minute
and then very seriously says...
"No Grandma... I don't think everybody does"
LOL! Gotta Love her!
Monday, June 14, 2010
What We've Been Up To
Finally swimming in our pool!
Painting the playroom... yellow... VERY yellow!
Spending a rainy day getting exercise...
Puzzles, Puzzles, and more Puzzles!
(Aidan literally went through every puzzle the girls had... including all the 100 piece ones so I brought out a 500 piece and we both put it together. Ainsley is now putting together the 25 piece ones by herself.)
Trying out new pajamas!
(buuuut theeeey liiiiiike theeeeeemm!)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Trying New Things
This week I'm test-driving a new way of doing things. Instead of making a list of things to accomplish and sticking to that list... I'm going to let Aidan decide how much or how little she wishes to do with each subject. I've been surfing through a lot of other blogs this weekend and saw a lot of "Weekly Recaps" instead of "Weekly Goals". I like that idea. So, at the end of the this week... I'll post about what was done.
Lately, I realized that our system will not continue working much longer. There hasn't been any big issues but I'm sensing that Aidan is getting bored with the pace of things. (she often wants to do more lessons in certain things but I'll tell her no) I also realized that I'm sometimes bribing (i.e. PUSHING) her to do something else (because I put it on her list and want to check it off!!) but she's uninterested in it. I don't like that... even if it has just happened a few times... I believe strongly that young kids should have the lead in their learning... and I don't want to become a PUSHY Mom who forgets herself because of the joy of having advanced daughters.
I do, however, want to make sure we don't turn into cartoon-watching lay-a-bouts...
1) "Unplugging" from the t.v. will again be implemented
2) I plan to finally enforce a specific time where we do school. Since mornings seem to be our most productive time... this week the school bell will ring at 9:30.
After soul-searching... I realized that I'm taking things too seriously and that I need to let go of the control... and let the girls take over. My job, I've told myself, is to offer them materials and let them choose what to do with it.
Friday, June 11, 2010
What I'm Presently Researching (because I do so LOVE to research!)
Anyone have any comments/likes or dislikes about any of these?
H.W. T. Get Set for School
For Next Year (January)
All About Spelling 2
Sequential Spelling 2
Real Science-4-Kids, Biology Level 1
Real Science-4-Kids, Physics Level 1
R.E.A.L Science Odyssey- Life (Level 1)
R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey- Earth and Space (Level 1)
(This might be too advanced for what I'm looking for but I like how it looks)
I have yet to find a History reading program I think we'll like so next year my plan is... at this moment... to use an encyclopedia as a spine and just check out books according to whatever we're reading. I also am not planning on moving History beyond just reading about it until January 2012.
For Next Year (January)
All About Spelling 2
Sequential Spelling 2
Real Science-4-Kids, Biology Level 1
Real Science-4-Kids, Physics Level 1
R.E.A.L Science Odyssey- Life (Level 1)
R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey- Earth and Space (Level 1)
(This might be too advanced for what I'm looking for but I like how it looks)
I have yet to find a History reading program I think we'll like so next year my plan is... at this moment... to use an encyclopedia as a spine and just check out books according to whatever we're reading. I also am not planning on moving History beyond just reading about it until January 2012.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Making Printables
I have discovered the fun of making printables! Right now with math... we're about to start working with number bonds. I couldn't find a great template online from my usual sources so I decided to just make my own. It was fun and so now I have a long list of things
I wish to make!!
I wish to make!!
Using manipulatives you practice splitting numbers...
Once you figure out a bond...you write it on the sheet with a dry eraser marker
You write problems to solve...
You write problems to solve...
(I laminated the sheets today but you also can use a sheet protector if you don't have a laminator)
Have I ever said how much I LOVE my laminator?
Have I ever said how much I LOVE my laminator?
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
My First Tomatoes!
I've been thinking of using a part of our yard to grow some favorites for awhile but haven't gotten around to it. Finally, we planted a tomato plant and here's our first reward. Next time... cucumbers!
This Week
work in handwriting wkbk
Silly Sara & The Pup Speaks Up by Anna Jane Hays
E.T.C. 1.5:
Lesson 1 (write out pages 3 & 6)
Lesson 2 (write out pages 11 & 14)
*emphasis: adding "ed" and "er" to the end of a word
Singapore 1A: Lesson 3
*Wkshts: addition and subtraction solved by using a number line
-working with numbers
-letter sounds video
-tracing wkshts
Monday, June 07, 2010
Why I Love E.T.C.'s Half Books
Aidan did finish Explode the Code book 1. Afterward, I copied the "test" page and made up sentences for her to write. She did well considering this was the 1st "test" she's ever done.
We will be going through book 1 1/2. I had assumed that the 1/2 books would be more of the same as the regular books...and although that is mostly true... they are harder. My favorite pages are the ones that require you to piece words together to build and write a sentence. I really like this and wish the other books did this as well. So, we will verbally go through book 1 1/2 but I'll have her write the sentences pages. I'm not worried about skipping all the other writing because she's doing fine with writing... especially since she has her handwriting workbook. We could skip to book 2 but I'm all about building a firm foundation and it shouldn't take overly long to complete it. When we start Book 2... 2 1/2 will be done at the same time.
Reasoning of a 16...I mean a 3 year old
Aidan lately has some hitting issues with Ainsley. She hits Ainsley when frustrated or irritated. Obviously, this is NOT okay. So today her consequence is that Ainsley gets to make brownies with McMama but not her. She was devastated by it and was trying to excuse her behavior. After talking with her about actions or words she could have used... she explained that yes she could have done that but those did not come into her head... only hitting came into her head... so how could she do the alternative if she didn't think to do it? Umm....???
Sunday, June 06, 2010
An Amazing Week & Amazing Ainsley
This week was amazing! "Unplugging" them from the television was great. Once I explained to them that we'd not be watching anything.. they were fine. Aidan once or twice asked and I'd reiterate the plan and she'd say "oh okay" or "just checking" and that was that. Without the television acting as a babysitter we did so much more than we ever have. We read A LOT of books, talked about all sorts of things, did a lot of puzzles , a lot of unschooling activities, and the girls played all sorts of imaginary games together.
Basically, we really enjoyed this week.
A Book Picnic..
Ainsley really shocked me this week. She was playing with the magnet letters and was saying their sounds as well as giving examples of words that started with it. "B... buh buh BOOK! BABY!" It was entirely unprompted. So I put CVC words together and she'd point to each letter saying their sounds faster and faster. She did NOT figure out the words... it didn't click in her head how to really "glue" them together but considering that she initiated the game on her own and this was only the first time she'd ever tried it... I bet it won't be long before it "clicks" She also has said a few times that she wants to read the Bob books. Hmm... guess I need to show her the Leap Frog video.. that's how Aidan realized how to glue them when she just knew the sounds...
Also, I finally gave Aidan a 100 piece puzzle (which was easy for her to do.. silly me) and while Aidan was putting the border together... Ainsley was "messing" with the rest... I looked over and realized she was making piles of pieces with similar attributes... such as all the pieces that made the blue blanket were in one pile or all the pieces with part of the wings in another. Then, she took the piles and systematically put together the parts!
.... can I say WOW?
Look out Aidan!...here comes Amazing Ainsley!!
.... can I say WOW?
Look out Aidan!...here comes Amazing Ainsley!!
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Our First Day of Church
We finally made it! Last Sunday we actually walked through the doors at the right time and everything.
It's big
and there are a lot of people
and a bookstore
and a coffee shop
and is nothing like I've ever known church to be.
It is most definitely a long way from the churches of yesterday
it's a Megachurch... a business.
Immediately I went to check out the preschool area. It's quite amazing. They have an elaborate check in system... locked hallways... multiple helpers for each classroom. They even have a viewing room where you can look though the windows to watch without anyone seeing you.
Aidan did not want to stay but I frankly told her she didn't have a choice. I brought her to her classroom and got her started with coloring. She wasn't happy and was trying not to cry but we had a talk and I said that it was okay to be scared but that she could be brave... I knew she could do it... and I explained that being brave was when you are scared but you try it anyway. She finally said "okay Mommy, I'll try" and gave me a hug and said "good-bye". Later, when we came to collect her .. we saw through the window her chattering to her helper very animatedly. The helper was bored and looking away and it struck me that someone could be in Aidan's company and have her attention and NOT just want to bask in her "Aidanness" (LOL! Oh no... I'm not a doting Mother!) Aidan was thrilled to see us and said she really enjoyed it because they let her dance to some music but that they wrote her name on her paper wrong.
(spelled it with an e not an a)
Both John and I went with Ainsley into her class. I knew she would cry and be upset so I had the idea to get her settled into an activity with both of us before leaving. Yeah well... the room she went into was for the younger 2's. Admittedly she isn't quite yet 2.5 but there literally were just a handful of baby-baby toys spread throughout the room and 3 or 4 wooden puzzles. Kids were all over the place and I stood there desperately trying to find something that she might like to play with and really couldn't find anything. The workers there just wanted us to leave... which I understood because working in preschool and daycare.. we all want the parents to leave b/c usually the kid will be fine if the parents don't make a big deal. However, I know Ainsley and knowing her as I do, I know she'll cry a looong time and that she needed some reassurance. Alas the only thing I could find for her to like was cheerios... so I handed her over and happily said good-bye and that we'll come get her. She screamed. I went to the viewing room to watch. She kept screaming. We went into church. I waited about 10 minutes and then checked on her. They were outside and I couldn't see her. 10 minutes later... John checked on her and said she was being held and pouting. Obviously, she didn't enjoy herself. When we picked her up I went to watch them get her (they bring the kids to you... like a coat check). The girl in charge of her wasn't too happy with her. They were sitting in a rocking chair and it's quite obvious Ainsley was being a handful the whole time. So I saw the girl picking her up and hauling her down the hall... not meanly but not like a person overly enamored of her charge either. It was hard to see although I get it. I really do. I'm just used to people thinking Ainsley is adorable and funny... not obnoxious and ready to be rid of her. When she saw me she lost it. They set her on the counter (as I said.. a coat check) and she hurled herself into my arms crying "Mommy Mommy Mommy!!!" I've never had a hug that tight from her. And then.... LOL... they told me what a good time she had!!!!
(later I asked if she played outside and she boldly told me that she did NOT play and that she cried and yelled for "Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Aidan" the whole time.)
As for the classrooms they were in... they both were misplaced. Although I'm aware and was aware how silly it was... I was slightly annoyed with the ones they put them in. Aidan's room was for older 2's and younger 3's. Aidan is over 3.5 and... well... she doesn't really fit with her age level anyway. The room she was in had doll houses to play with and multiple toys but the only "activity" was crayons and paper. Her room was perfect for Ainsley... especially with the doll houses. The kids in the room across the hall on the other hand were doing an art and crafts project and reading stories. Aidan should have been in that room. Of course I didn't say anything because that would have been really silly and I said to myself that if we continue to come... I'll work it out. Thankfully, later, someone told me that next week is switch week and both of my girls will be moving up into the next class.
(and No I didn't say a word...
the information was volunteered)
Yes, we are returning next week. I'm all for giving things a chance. Besides we either picked the best or the worst week to come because instead of a regular lecture/sermon we got a lesson on the history of the church and a plea for more money. (hear that cynic in me roaring?) Sooo, I'd like to see a "normal" speech. As for the girls.. I did not expect them to enjoy themselves so nothing came as a surprise. They have NEVER been left with anyone not VERY close to them. I knew it would be hard for them but I knew it would be good for them. (yes, I subscribe to the "tough love" practice sometimes)
Anyway... perhaps tomorrow...
a.) there'll be a real lecture to listen to
b.) I won't be sitting on the edge of my chair thinking about the girls and anxiously looking at the number screen that tells you if you need to come get them and so I'll be able to pay attention.
c.) the girls will be put in the right class
d.) Ainsley will perk up a little if she gets to play with the dollhouse.
We'll See!
It's big
and there are a lot of people
and a bookstore
and a coffee shop
and is nothing like I've ever known church to be.
It is most definitely a long way from the churches of yesterday
it's a Megachurch... a business.
Immediately I went to check out the preschool area. It's quite amazing. They have an elaborate check in system... locked hallways... multiple helpers for each classroom. They even have a viewing room where you can look though the windows to watch without anyone seeing you.
Aidan did not want to stay but I frankly told her she didn't have a choice. I brought her to her classroom and got her started with coloring. She wasn't happy and was trying not to cry but we had a talk and I said that it was okay to be scared but that she could be brave... I knew she could do it... and I explained that being brave was when you are scared but you try it anyway. She finally said "okay Mommy, I'll try" and gave me a hug and said "good-bye". Later, when we came to collect her .. we saw through the window her chattering to her helper very animatedly. The helper was bored and looking away and it struck me that someone could be in Aidan's company and have her attention and NOT just want to bask in her "Aidanness" (LOL! Oh no... I'm not a doting Mother!) Aidan was thrilled to see us and said she really enjoyed it because they let her dance to some music but that they wrote her name on her paper wrong.
(spelled it with an e not an a)
Both John and I went with Ainsley into her class. I knew she would cry and be upset so I had the idea to get her settled into an activity with both of us before leaving. Yeah well... the room she went into was for the younger 2's. Admittedly she isn't quite yet 2.5 but there literally were just a handful of baby-baby toys spread throughout the room and 3 or 4 wooden puzzles. Kids were all over the place and I stood there desperately trying to find something that she might like to play with and really couldn't find anything. The workers there just wanted us to leave... which I understood because working in preschool and daycare.. we all want the parents to leave b/c usually the kid will be fine if the parents don't make a big deal. However, I know Ainsley and knowing her as I do, I know she'll cry a looong time and that she needed some reassurance. Alas the only thing I could find for her to like was cheerios... so I handed her over and happily said good-bye and that we'll come get her. She screamed. I went to the viewing room to watch. She kept screaming. We went into church. I waited about 10 minutes and then checked on her. They were outside and I couldn't see her. 10 minutes later... John checked on her and said she was being held and pouting. Obviously, she didn't enjoy herself. When we picked her up I went to watch them get her (they bring the kids to you... like a coat check). The girl in charge of her wasn't too happy with her. They were sitting in a rocking chair and it's quite obvious Ainsley was being a handful the whole time. So I saw the girl picking her up and hauling her down the hall... not meanly but not like a person overly enamored of her charge either. It was hard to see although I get it. I really do. I'm just used to people thinking Ainsley is adorable and funny... not obnoxious and ready to be rid of her. When she saw me she lost it. They set her on the counter (as I said.. a coat check) and she hurled herself into my arms crying "Mommy Mommy Mommy!!!" I've never had a hug that tight from her. And then.... LOL... they told me what a good time she had!!!!
(later I asked if she played outside and she boldly told me that she did NOT play and that she cried and yelled for "Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Aidan" the whole time.)
As for the classrooms they were in... they both were misplaced. Although I'm aware and was aware how silly it was... I was slightly annoyed with the ones they put them in. Aidan's room was for older 2's and younger 3's. Aidan is over 3.5 and... well... she doesn't really fit with her age level anyway. The room she was in had doll houses to play with and multiple toys but the only "activity" was crayons and paper. Her room was perfect for Ainsley... especially with the doll houses. The kids in the room across the hall on the other hand were doing an art and crafts project and reading stories. Aidan should have been in that room. Of course I didn't say anything because that would have been really silly and I said to myself that if we continue to come... I'll work it out. Thankfully, later, someone told me that next week is switch week and both of my girls will be moving up into the next class.
(and No I didn't say a word...
the information was volunteered)
Yes, we are returning next week. I'm all for giving things a chance. Besides we either picked the best or the worst week to come because instead of a regular lecture/sermon we got a lesson on the history of the church and a plea for more money. (hear that cynic in me roaring?) Sooo, I'd like to see a "normal" speech. As for the girls.. I did not expect them to enjoy themselves so nothing came as a surprise. They have NEVER been left with anyone not VERY close to them. I knew it would be hard for them but I knew it would be good for them. (yes, I subscribe to the "tough love" practice sometimes)
Anyway... perhaps tomorrow...
a.) there'll be a real lecture to listen to
b.) I won't be sitting on the edge of my chair thinking about the girls and anxiously looking at the number screen that tells you if you need to come get them and so I'll be able to pay attention.
c.) the girls will be put in the right class
d.) Ainsley will perk up a little if she gets to play with the dollhouse.
We'll See!
Friday, June 04, 2010
Thursday, June 03, 2010
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