Sunday, July 04, 2010


I LOVE the abacus and the activity book! Although at the moment I do not plan to buy Right Start Mathematics... Aidan is doing fine with Singapore and Ainsley is not doing math quite yet... I will say I love their approach with teaching numbers and quantities.

I'm returning the Start Up Science. It's weak. Yes, it goes through all the standard subjects from parts of a plant to the inside of a battery but each subject is only one page long and if I were to use this, I would use it only for its list of subjects where I would have to find other books and activities to really make a lesson complete. This is unnecessary as I can make my own lists.

As for Sequential Spelling... at the moment I am not using it as it's meant to be used. It's supposed to be used...of course... as a spelling program. You have the child try to write/spell each word and before you move onto the next... you correct it. Every week you have a list of up to 25 words and the words build from the last list. Well, considering Aidan is 3 and I'm not planning on starting spelling until much later... I'm using this book as great reading practice. I'm taking each 4 week period and writing the words on our wipe board.

Whenever we get around to it... I have Aidan read off the words in a logical order (ex. begin, beginner, beginning). So far it's easy and takes her but a minute or so for her to do... I think we're up to week 16... but a few of the words have given her pause. I have also noticed that showing word families such as these has made her less reluctant to tackle larger words in books. So, I'm quite pleased with it. Yes, I'm basically using it as a practice list but I do think... when Aidan is older... I'll use it the correct way. I like their approach to spelling.

I was not impressed with this. I still would like to see the other H.W.T. books but I would not recommend this level. I think the workbook and teacher's manual are... well?.. boring. They're overly simple and there is nothing in them that we parents could not make on our own. I'm sending this back with the Start up Science. Ainsley will enjoy my hand-made lessons much more than this book.


Raising a Happy Child said...

Maybe I should get HWT and return it if it doesn't work. This is one subject where I am stumped since Anna has no interest in writing. I really prefer to just teach science from books and experiments - I think this is good enough for preK/Kindergarten level.

Anonymous said...

One again, your idea is very

good.thank you!very much.