Saturday, July 03, 2010

4th of July Festival

Although tomorrow is actually the 4th of July our local park held the festival today. I'm not sure we'll return next year because the prices were absolutely crazy compared to last year. We threw away 40 bucks and all the girls did was jump in some bounce houses (i.e. get clobbered by older kids) and ride a pony in a circle (for a whole minute!). It was our intention to stay until the fireworks... like last year... but Ainsley did not feel well and refused to eat dinner so we came home early. As soon as we got home Ainsley started throwing up everywhere. (I've got her parked on the couch right now and she's sleeping. ) John, later, took Aidan back to see the fireworks so that she wouldn't miss them and so they got some much-needed father-daughter time.

On Our Way!

Having FUN!

We always have to ride the ponies

Poor Baby... not feeling well

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