Sunday, May 09, 2010

Just So (on Mother's Day)

Only a few more days until we're back home... this may be our last trip... it looks like the cancer has cleared up enough so Bridgett will not need another chemo treatment!!!

I'm nice and burnt. I stayed out all day yesterday going to the kid's ballgames... then Andy and I took Carly to an empty field to practice and have fun. Of course, I didn't think to put sunscreen on.

I really enjoy the whole team sports thing... sitting on the bleachers... yelling encouragement... the concessions... the lawn chairs and tents.... the younger kids running around... the whole thing. Shortly, I'm gonna look for something to sign the girls up to do. I'm thinking t-ball for Aidan and soccer for Ainsley.

Now that Cancer isn't as big of a worry... perhaps we can now address the enormous white elephant sitting in the room with us? I'm afraid of how this summer is going to play out.

These last few months have really changed a lot of things... relationships are, I'm afraid, forever altered.

Sometimes I feel as if my husband doesn't know me as he ought... I'm not sure why because I'm quite open and honest about who I am and what my preferences are. I hate having to act pleased when in reality I'm disappointed. (and yes... slightly angry)

Having older cousins to spend time with them is so great for the girls... but so bad for them as well. I wonder how long it will take before Aidan becomes Aidan again? Or is she forever going to be this sassy, back-talking, whiny child?

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