Today McMama, the girls, and I drove to Raleigh to see my Grandma. I had the opportunity to see her a few weeks earlier at a funeral but a real visit was way past due. I'm very happy we went. I honestly wish I saw her more often than I do. I would like for her to know my girls and for them to know her. To my sorrow... I have never been overly "close" to my Grandmother. (It was unfortunate because she was such a big part of my childhood... a main caretaker.) As I've aged however... I let go of "issues" with her and recognized in me not only some of her traits but also how awesome and strong of a person she is.
Grandma picks up a lot of things from a second-hand shop she volunteers at. Every time you visit her house... you're guaranteed to leave with something. The girls brought home a new boxed set of Baby Einstein alphabet books. Considering Ainsley is all about her "A B C D E F G's" (as she calls them) it was a perfect gift.
A cute picture I snapped of Ainsley outside Grandma's apartment
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