Monday, October 05, 2009

Leaps and Bounds

I took Aidan back to gymnastics today and learned another lesson: don't underestimate you kids.

In my mind I was thinking that probably until January I'd have to take Aidan to the Mommy and Me class (18m-2yrs) because I thought she'd never be able to go to the 3 year old class... alone... without me. HA! Today, my shy and socially immature child followed the teacher Ms. Christy's directions and spoke to her with not a hint of shyness. She did so well that Ms. Christy invited her to try out the 3 year old class (that started right after). I asked if Aidan wanted to. She said "yes". So, knowing Aidan as I do, I told Ms. Christy that I'd sit on the sidelines and be close by 'cause I wasn't sure how Aidan would do. HA AGAIN! When class started Aidan was the first kid to go over and get her little mat and sit in the circle like she was supposed to. From then on, it was as if I wasn't there and quickly I realized I might as well join the other mothers in the balcony because I was completely unneeded.

Aidan did wonderful! Not only was she the most well behaved kid (never got up and wondered around or played but sat on her mat) but she intently watched everything the other girls did so that when her time came she'd try her hardest... AND she did a really good job with the routines.

She, my serious and hesitant baby girl, even did a few flips.

And so I sat there.... shaking my head... I couldn't believe it... I thought I KNEW her... I thought I had her pegged JUST SO.

Aidan showed me something today... that she's stronger than I expected.

On a funny note, I also learned that I've been deluding myself lately. Because she's so small she looked like a baby sitting next to all the other 3 year olds. I've been happily thinking that Aidan might be catching up to her age since she's grown a few inches this summer. One girl, who is within a week of Aidan's age, is 5 or so inches taller than her... and this kid is average height...

Oh, and the Mommy and Me class?..... with the just turned 2 years?..... yeah, Aidan was the same size as them.....

LMAO.... what was I smoking?

1 comment:

amanda said...

big day for you both :)

do we get to see pictures soon?

ps - sorry about your loss last week - sending extra hugs.