Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I've been working a few times a week with Ainsley on her reading. Although she does a great job with sounding out and understanding phonetic rules...she does not have Aidan's ability to memorize words from one viewing. She'll sound out the same word many times before she remembers it. Therefore, to review, I'm making up games that'll help her to remember them. (I don't like flashcards)

Our newest game has been a big hit.

"Close the book Ainsley. Okay. Good. *pause* Now find the word funny "

So, she opens the book and searches until she finds it.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!" I yell out all excitedly.

She just grins.

"Okay. Close the Book. *pause* Now find the word...."

Ainsley loves this game. She has to use her phonetic skills and she gets the review she needs. They'll stick in her mind because she's having to find them on her own. Sometimes, of course, I throw in an easy-peasy word.

 It's funny how simple things can be.

Homeschooling is such fun!

1 comment:

TheRockerMom said...

That sounds like a great way to help cement them in her mind!!