Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bested by a 2... eh hem... 3 year old!

Tonight I looked for Ainsley's bunny for 20 minutes. Running upstairs and downstairs. Ainsley is sitting on her bed waiting. Finally I give up and tell her she needs to sleep without Bunny tonight. She wails. "I can't sleep without Bunnnyyy! Whaaaaa"   ....and then silence... she sniffs... sniffs again...."I smeeeelll something" she says all serious. "I think it's Bunny. I smeeeeeelll Bunnyyy!" "Ainsley we're not going to find her tonight so..." (I'm interrupted) SNIFF SNIFF "I smell Buuuunnnyyyyy. I think I smell her in the closet."

"Ainsley Elane... do you know that Bunny is in the closet?"

"I smell her there." she replies with the biggest grin on her face. Sure enough Bunny is in the closet...

...where Ainsley put her.

The worst part is that this isn't the first time she's done this.

I'm a little slow on the uptake.

1 comment:

Peterson Party said...

Hahaha - that's too funny and reminds me so much of Ella. She is always teasing us too.