Happy Birthday Little Bit! You're 3!
Every year on every birthday I seem to have a different emotional response. Today I'm happy, proud, excited, worried, and sad. Yes, sad. My baby is THREE! I have always pictured in my mind that I'd have a 1 year old when you turned 3. It is hard for me to see you turn 3 and know that you may possibly be my last, natural child. I'd love to make you a big sister. But on the other hand, I am so excited about this next year with you.
Three is the best and most forming year. Three is when you turn from a baby to a little girl. Three is when people look at you surprised because of something astute or wise you have said. Three is when you will blossom and your personality will be truly formed. I plan to spend a lot of time reading, teaching, and playing with you. I plan to make sure you're not pushed out of the way because of everything else.
Little Bit.... Your Mama loves you so very much.
I love your mischievous grin and that sparkle in your eyes. I love your antics (even when I shouldn't). I love your wit, your songs, your laugh, your hands, your adventuresome spirit, and your excitement over things. I love your impulsive bear hugs where you throw your arms around me and "mmmm" with your eyes closed. They're intense. I love the stories you make up. I love it that you see things no one else can. I love how engrossed you become when you see a movie with action scenes in it. You just light up. "I want to do THAT!" you yell.
But then... your reaction to those action scenes scare me too. Ainsley you are often telling me how you'd like to do *scary* things. One day you informed me that you'd like to jump from one car to another while they were moving. Oh boy! You know, before you were born I read your birthday page. (I have a book that tells you what a person will be like if they are born on a certain day) Well, this page said that you'd have a taste for adventure, would be strong in your emotions, and would need to be firmly grounded. I laughed and said "this baby is going to be jumping out of planes in between classes when she's in college. 'oh, no Mom... I was just hanging out with some friends' " I was so right!! Baby... you're often too fearless. I see years of worry ahead of me.
You love attention. Last night as everyone -unprompted- sang "happy birthday" you just lit up and laughed. You even demanded for Uncle Andy to sing to you too. You are such a dynamite! You also refuse to let anyone push you around and so help it if someone forgets to respect you! You use your voice like a weapon... full, wide-mouthed hollering. I can't even claim you cry... you just holler. Though don't get me wrong... your crocodile tears definitely still exist.
Right now you are really into Strawberry Shortcake. You had to be strawberry shortcake for Halloween and now you're having a strawberry shortcake party this weekend. Your favorite toys are babies, trains, crayons, and polly pockets (your frequently steal Makensie's and then play with them in the bathroom sink although you are not supposed to).
You are about 31 pounds now and 2_ inches tall. You wear 4t shirts and 3t pants.
Ainsley your speech is quite advanced for your age. The sentences and words you use are that of a much older child although you still have the voice and pronunciation of a 3 year old. You do still call your underwear "elmowear " which I don't correct because I think its cute. (your first underwear had elmo all over them). You've just now recently started calling Aidan... Aidan. It used to be "Ay...yan" I could kick your Daddy because he's the one who made you say it correctly.
You're reading short cvc words but you're not quite ready yet for formal lessons. For a few days you might get on a "I want to learn" kick but then you'll lose interest. You can count to 20 without help and to 30 with minimal help. You've just started trying to write letters. You do love to be read to as long as you picked the book. Otherwise, you tend to lose interest. You also have an excellent memory. You actually know a lot of arithmetic questions because you've remembered them from Aidan. At least... I think you've just memorized them.
I have a natural respect for you Ainsley. You demand it because you have such a natural respect for yourself.
Your humor is excellent! Oh Ainsley... I'm not sure why I'm supposed to raise you because I find you too funny. You get away with a LOT because I laugh and cannot stay firm. You know exactly how to push my buttons. Aunt Bridgett is the only one you cannot overly manipulate. She thinks you're funny too but does a better job at hiding it.
We were sitting on the couch... me, Aunt Bridgett, you... you looked at Bridgett and in a whispery, very serious voice you say "I'm going to do something terrrrrrible to your pillows Aunt Bridgett. Terrrrrrible things." Your eyes were all wide and earnest. Aunt Bridgett and I laughed. " And what terrrrrrible things are you going to do with Aunt Bridgett's pillows Ainsley?" I asked. You, still looking at Aunt Bridgett, put your hand out so that your hand is held up in front of my face. "You don't need to know that" was your firm but very serious reply. Oh what a riot you sometimes are!
Oh the whining! Yup, it's official. Kids turning 3 are big BIG whiners!! Sometimes I feel like smacking you because that high-pitch nasally whiiiiiiiiine gets on my nerves. I remember I had that same problem with Aidan at this age so I'm trying to just grit my teeth and wait it out.
Ainsley... sometimes you are such a mischievous little monster and then sometimes you are such an agreeable, helpful child but always are you just wonderful. Always are you loved. Always do you make me laugh and make my heart smile. Always are you my ray of sunshine.
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