Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Week 7

very yes love blue two

Find all five words in a book of your choice
Play memory using your words

Wksht: "blue" "yes" "two"

write all vocab. words twice
Wksht: "practice S"


Decoding Sentences: Yes, I love you! He says you like blue. I have two very fat pigs in my house.

Wksht: "_ig"

Hop on Pop: read pages 32-33, 38-41
Explode the Code: lesson 3
Readers: Bob books 7 and Sam books 10 & 11

Explore the concept of smallest to largest

Wksht: "biggest"
Wksht: "smallest"
Wksht: "smallest to biggest"

Emphasis: read together

(Okay so this week I've deliberately made it easy. Next week... I'll be changing some things.)

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