Friday, March 05, 2010

If I Tweeted

"I'm folding laundry right now... I realize... again... that I'm a pajama addict. The girls have way too many pajamas."

"Ainsley just... for the first time... pedaled her tricycle... Go Ainsley!"

"I have now just experienced the first Gross Humor from Aidan. She's singing a song about how 'Poop and Gas and Pee are all over the place... there on the toys, in the car, in the store...' WTH??"

"Mmmm peanut M&Ms"

"I just bought something off the Internet. ...again. But... Deeeaarr.. it was school related. We really needed those storage trays and test tubes."

"Oh Em Gee! I'm so embarrassed! I was outside playing with the girls when the neighbor lady came out to talk to me. She's all dressed lovely and expensively. After coming inside.. I realized I was wearing ratty stretch pants that are too small and a shirt covered in cat fur. My hair was also sticking up all over the place. No wonder she seemed surprised I lived on the street."

"I'm checking Facebook again... I need a better hobby"

" I love the word lovely... its... well?... lovely! Don't you love words that sound like what they mean? They're lovely!" (har har)

"I actually really like Barbie movies... go figure...and the plots are really quite nicely done...well...for a Barbie movie"

"I really have little to no self control... what's worse is that I'm conscious of it while I'm lacking it"

"The girls are crying their hearts out for no other reason but that they're tired...this is why they still take naps"

"Why is it so difficult to find jeans to fit Aidan?"

"Why is it so difficult to fit into my jeans... it couldn't be because I ate three times the recommended calorie amount today could it?"

"It amuses me when I derive so much pleasure from the most absurd things... like the $5.97 light fixture John put up in the hallway over a month ago. I still flip the switch on and off just to see the "new" light."

"Oh look... the cat just threw up all over our newly shampooed carpet... JOOOHHHNNN!!"


Denae said...

Im right there with you on most of this stuff, Im the mom who every1 sees playing in the back yard with her kids and Im wearing the smae sweat pants and shirt from the day b4,jeans are just not made right for little kids, I love animals but man they are a pain, I dont tweet either and I spend way too much time on FB. As for my homeschool blog hmm I would like to but then again maybe I ned to be more diligent about the school work, for pre K I think Im just mostly doing this un schooling thing (which I'm not gonna do when she has real school. I believe your smart little aiden is probably ahead of Kayiah already.

Peterson Party said...

Thanks for the laugh :) Maybe you should Tweet. You are pretty funny - you could brighten everyone's day!

Margie said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog the other day. Just curious, how did you come across by blog? Too funny our children's names are the same, I guess great minds think alike!

Unknown said...

These made me laugh. Actually you would be good at Tweeting if you chose to do so. Not everyone's random thoughts are interesting to other people, but yours are quite entertaining!

JDK said...

Two of those were too long for Twitter. Twitter sucks, though; had mine less than a week before I deleted it. The gross humor thing is hilarious :D