Sunday, March 21, 2010

Last Year of my 20's

It's hit me hard that this is the last year I will be a 20 something year old. I realized, to my horror, that my "youth" is gone... I really am no longer a youngun even if I feel like I am. (which I do) Mostly though, I'm horrified because I have spent my entire 20's being obese. So, I am going to do like people do on New Years... I'm making a resolution..a birthday resolution.

I will not spend a minute of my 30's
being overweight!!!

This year... I will lose it... perhaps not all
... but most of it!!!

Like a smoker who just stops... so will I


really. truly.

Step away from the food girl!! Hop on that treadmill!!
UH AH... NO excuses!!!

Asthma be damned!!

So... here is me this year...

Next year though...


I am going to LOVE my 30's!!!

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