Sunday, May 03, 2009

Yard Day

Wow! I am so tired I am typing this in my sleep. HaHa

The world seems unreal.

This morning started around 5am. We dropped Ainsley off at the in-laws. We took Aidan to the hospital. She was running a 102.8 temp and kept waking up screaming. Yeah, it was just an ear infection. Poor baby has no appetite (which I believe is a first) and has two little flushed cheeks.

The rest of the day was full of wasted time and stupid delays. We had the in-laws over to help with the yard. John is trying to get all the leaves up and we're attempting to make a designated play area for the girls. Ha.. I believe we got started somewhere at 4pm.

Bug and Bit now have a playhouse for outdoors. It's cedar and so so cute. Right now it's still sitting in the box in our living room because it takes a half day to build it. (seriously) I'll be excited to see the finished product but I don't look forward to the construction.

Umm, I'm totally "spoiling" the girls but think it won't ruin them too much... I hope.

I have to applaud John's Dad because he worked really hard.

Josh came over (is still here actually... hehe.. aren't I rude?) and worked really hard too. I was pleasantly surprised because he didn't have to.

This wasn't a good day to do yard work.. everyone was sick.. literally everyone.

I miss McMama. Spending all day in the company of in-laws just makes me realize how much more I prefer spending time with McMama. She needs to come home. My inlaws are not my family. She's missing all the new things happening... the hospital playhouse... Little Bit saying a LOT of new words...trying to fix up the yard.. etc. The excitement of all the new things and our yard is less for me because she's not here seeing and sharing in it. (even if she would roll her eyes at my excitement) Her room is lonely and missing her too. It makes me sad to see her room empty.

She needs to come home too so that we can watch our shows together. I had to watch Ghost Whisperer by myself. It's not as good as when sharing it.

Lady Bug has started asking me when McMama is coming home.

I don't mean to sound harsh about the in-laws. We've been getting along fine and it is okay being around them (mostly) but it's not always comfortable for me and I'd rather hang out and do things with Dear, my girls, and McMama. We fit together. THEY are my people. THEY are who I am comfortable with.

Whoo... I just fell asleep at the computer here.. LOL

I need to go to bed.

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