Your house is always immaculate
Your meals are always healthy and home made
You are never off schedule
(but if you were to be...
... then you would be flexible and fun)
You are disciplined
You are organized
You exude patience, love ,and understanding
You find time for yourself, have three hobbies,
(and keep up with them easily)
You handle your kid's temper tantrums exactly right
You set aside quality time for each of your kids, daily
You are Perfect
You DO NOT give in to selfish desires
You DO NOT lose your temper
You DO NOT feel frustration
You DO NOT feel the urge to hit your children
You DO NOT use the t.v. for a babysitter
You DO NOT let the kids wear pjs all day
(because you're too lazy to dress them)
You DO NOT let beautiful days slip by
without taking them outside to play
You DO NOT slack on the discipline for any reason
You DO NOT appease your kids with a cookie
You DO NOT do what I do ... spite of my best intentions
You are Perfect
When I look in the mirror, I can sometimes see you
somewhere I know, you are there inside me
Your meals are always healthy and home made
You are never off schedule
(but if you were to be...
... then you would be flexible and fun)
You are disciplined
You are organized
You exude patience, love ,and understanding
You find time for yourself, have three hobbies,
(and keep up with them easily)
You handle your kid's temper tantrums exactly right
You set aside quality time for each of your kids, daily
You are Perfect
You DO NOT give in to selfish desires
You DO NOT lose your temper
You DO NOT feel frustration
You DO NOT feel the urge to hit your children
You DO NOT use the t.v. for a babysitter
You DO NOT let the kids wear pjs all day
(because you're too lazy to dress them)
You DO NOT let beautiful days slip by
without taking them outside to play
You DO NOT slack on the discipline for any reason
You DO NOT appease your kids with a cookie
You DO NOT do what I do ... spite of my best intentions
You are Perfect
When I look in the mirror, I can sometimes see you
somewhere I know, you are there inside me
There is no such Mom! Anyone who pretends that she is like this- is a liar!!
pretty sure the perfect mom is totally imperfect :)
ps - i think the reason family fun days work is bc they all just want any time they can get with their grand baby!
I think we all have our "perfect" moments and our imperfect. Actually, I think we all have our positives and negatives and that is okay. For example, I know that my weak point is discipline. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm very soft spoken. I never would have thought I'd have such a strong-willed, aggressive little girl. I really, really, really struggle with discipline especially in public. Her temper tantrums are horrible. BUT on the other hand I can't feel that bad about myself because I also know that I am loving, kind, and fun. I know that I try to learn about discipline and want to be better at it...but maybe that just isn't my strong suit. I think I'll be good at discipline when we get to the higher communication stage. I just get lost in what to do when everything is so raw and screaming!
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