Thursday, January 08, 2009

Sum Thinkin

I was reading others blogs about how they feel pressured to always write. I realized that I do too... that's why I'll go back and write about days gone by. It's silly though. Why do I need to write every day or ever other day? It's my blog isn't it? No one actually reads this blog anyway so why do I feel the need to document every single day? If my kids do ever read this as adults they will probably be bored out of their minds. So, instead of going back and writing about everything we've done in the last two weeks.... I'll just say that after we got back from N.C..... John, me, and the girls relaxed and did basically nothing. We went over to the in laws and had a little Christmas there but otherwise didn't really go anywhere. John went back to work this week. The girls and I have been missing him.
Well, just for some general updates.... yesterday Ainsley decided she would walk and so she is officially walking... slowly and carefully... but apparently she took me serious about "having" to walk before her first birthday. She is very pleased with herself. Also, something noteworthy..... in the last week Ainsley's talking has taken off. She copies and repeats A LOT of words. I'm really shocked because of her age. I know that 11 month olds are out there that talk but I haven't seen one before. She is a very verbal child and can repeat works like "Diaper", "Bottle" and even will tell you 'THANK YOU" I just can't believe some of the things she says. I had a hunch she would talk earlier than Aidan... but didn't expect it this soon. She is such a smart, sassy, yet loveable girl. I drink in the way she loves physical contact and hugs. I kiss her face all day long... sometimes I am just so overwhelmed with love for her! As for Aidan... she has taken off with pre-reading. I did, in fact, stop trying to "teach" her all the time and after a week or two of me stopping she started initiating the learning on her own. As I said before.. it's hard to know how much she knows... because she won't perform... but I do know she can "read" about 15 words (maybe more) and she is working on what each letter "says." This was entirely on her own. I've started back with working with her on them but I'm going to rein it in it so that I'm not pushing. I did buy the Leap Frog Word Wammer that looks like a plane. It was a better toy than I had expected and she does like to play with it. Yesterday she spelled CAT on her own and today I watched her put together four new words. The toy told her how to spell them but it's amazing watching her learning and it is teaching her the left to right concept. Both my girls are such amazing creatures. Sometimes I wonder what it must be like to be them and be completely surounded by people who love every breath you take. I wonder if it will smother them or make them think they own the world?


Anonymous said...
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amanda said...

i totally get it. but you are right - it's your blog and that means the rules are up to you :)