Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Drizzle Drizzle

Today we are holed up in the house.. dogs too... a steady light rain has fallen all day.

Aidan is asleep right now.

Ainsley is watching Einstein's Noah and commenting in that baby way about what she sees. I can see from where I'm sitting her happy little face smiling and reacting to what she sees... her feet are kicking the air in excitement. She makes my heart smile.

Lunchtime was funny. Ainsley LOVES yogurt and before she realized I had some for her she was happily inhaling broccoli. However, as soon as she saw the yogurt she refused to finish the broccoli and so her and I had a fight today. In her corner there was a lot of crying and drama with a capitol D. In my corner there was a lot of .... err...amusement. I won. She ate the broccoli and then ate the yogurt. Such a small thing to write about but ......it's important. Sometimes I just cannot give in to her or else she'll rule the house by the time SHE is two. Aidan already told me today that "Ain-sey" was the boss. I told her "No, mommy is the boss". I try to be anyway... most of the time I succeed. I have moments though. Sometimes they get their way either because I just don't feel like fighting or a very smart toddler is manipulating me and though I am aware of it .... it still works. How funny it is that manipulation is developed so early.

In spite of it.....

What joys I experience on this motherhood roller coaster ride! I cannot express how FULFILLING it all is... every bit of it... good, bad, ugly, beautiful. It ALL is wonderful.... scary..... but WONDERFUL!

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