Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lost Monday

I lost you Monday... where did you go? How is it Tuesday? Well, I crashed on the couch all day yesterday. I think I had a case of food poisoning. The nausea pill I took knocked me out as well so the day really did slip away.... I think I woke up finally when John was almost home. Mutti was wonderful and kept an eye out for the girls (they stayed in the playroom all day). This morning we FINALLY went and bought some groceries. The eating out is really adding up. Though not broke.. we should watch what we spend. I was very frustrated with Walmart today. They have a certain item I want to purchase John for Christmas... that item is online but is out-of-stock and says it isn't found in the stores here. They are wrong. I found said item sitting on the shelf today. Yet, this item is selling for over $30 more than online. The store wont let me purchase it for the dicounted price and the website still says it is unavailable. ERGH! Stupid Walmart.

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