Thursday, December 18, 2008

Light Bulb On

Aidan was given a small flashlight by Mutti today. She loves her "yight." (All Ls are Ys) When she discovered that it helped you to see in dark places.. a soft "oh" was let out... and she systematically went through all the kitchen cabinets looking. I then watched as she went from object to object through the house and experimented on how the light changed on different surfaces. Of course she's just as serious as a heart attack too. This behavior, I know, is common with children her age but for her... it completely exemplifies who Aidan is. She is a serious observer who quietly learns and explores. Anyway, as for Ainsley she finally decided to try walking again. Since she was confined because of her arm she lost interest in it. I told her last night that it was time to start walking because she's 11 months old. I reckon she took me seriously because she started practicing again. I'm glad because I know myself well enough to know that I'll always try to explain why she was "a late walker" if I have to tell people she walked after her 1st birthday. Meaning.. I'll say things like "Oh, well, her walking was put on hold because she broke her arm." I know people will ask me when she first walked ... they ask about Aidan. And the majority of mothers who say they aren't comparing kids are lying.... so, yes, how "early" she walks is important. I wont lie. (no, not in the GRAND SCHEME of things but still)
Aidan and I had a really good time together today. We sorted her lacing beads, played a game to help learn colors, read Dr. Seuss, and had a lot of fun waiting for Daddy to get home while we played with the flashlight. I already sometimes feel a pressure in me to make sure I stay close with her... she's getting older and is naturally independent so I want to make sure our bond stays strong as she ages. I know she's two and most moms probably do not worry as much as I do about silly things like this.... but, well, sometimes its nice to have moments and know that I'm still doing a good job that sounds

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