We... meaning me, Mutti, the girls, and John's parents all went to R.H.'s Christmas in the square thingy. We totally missed the parade which was disappointing because I think Aidan would have loved it. I'm not sure what exactly I expect out of these activities but I am always a slight bit let down. I imagine it was fun for kids and I know Aidan liked it....she was talking about it and retold everything to her daddy later ... BUT... I don't know... they seem more lame than I expect them to be. There was a row of crafters selling their wares, a row of crafts kids can do (kind of lame too.. the kind of crafts you get from Oriental Trading Company), and of course.... snow! Yeah, the whole snow thing tickled my sense of the ridiculous. They had a small square blocked off with caution tape and would have a snow machine blow fresh snow in it. Then, they would let every kid who wanted to go in... go... so that within seconds the snow was gone and there was a mass of bodies fighting and throwing dirty ice at each other. I was amused by the fact that in Georgia there has to be fake snow piles for kids to see it. I was NOT amused by what the kids were doing and how unorganized it all was. First of all... the kids were not being supervised (how could they be?) and they should have let only a certain number go in at once so that they could actually enjoy it. Also, the younger kids had no chance to play with it because it would have been too dangerous (think recent trampling incident at Walmart) I did eventually get Curtis to take her in one of the corners.. I thought his size could protect her...she was having a fit to see the snow so we braved it. She was fine and laughed and tried to throw balls at me. I, however, got pelted with a large, stray ball... in the chest..... that splattered all over my camera! It hurt. A lot. (the camera was fine.) I had every intention of writing a nice post about how we enjoyed ourselves today... because we did... so don't get me wrong. It was fun because Aidan liked it. I think I have too high expectations.

Grandma 'Reen was "helping" Aidan make crafts

Not much fun for Ainsley I suppose

She LOVED the "snow"!

The "Petting zoo" which consisted of guinea pigs and rabbits... snort.
Soooo, after all this FUN we went and had lunch at Dennys. Then we went home. Aidan played with "PaPa" for a while and then she took a nap with Ainsley. Maureen and Curtis stayed for over a half hour after they went down.. which was shocking. They were actually having a good time. So we all talked until they left. Mutti and I then took a nap. I woke up at a quarter to SIX!!! The girls slept the whole time. It felt like the twilight zone waking up at night like that. Obviously, it has been a long day.
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