Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Crafts By Aidan

Twas the night before leaving
we hadn't even packed
but still we decided
to do Christmas crafts!
We did a tree, a ball
a "cookie man" too
and a trio of reindeer
with glitter and glue!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Guido Gardens

John, Me, Mutti, the girls, Nana, Maureen, Mimi, and Curtis all went to see the Christmas lights up in Metter. The girls really enjoyed it I think... which is why I went. Aidan's favorite was the "ball." She kept wanting to "go see ball" and didn't understand why we wouldn't let her.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Family Day

After a hectic morning dealing with two very cranky babies... we finally got out of the house and all went to the mall. John and I didn't really believe either of them would last very long but we did it anyway. Much to our surprise with a lot of redirection, timely snacks, and juice boxes we stayed until after 7pm... yup... after their bedtime. Neither of them had a nap either. The funny thing is we really didn't have set goals in mind. We thought we'd try getting a Santa picture, let Aidan ride the train, and look for a few things for baby Conner but we basically just walked around and looked at whatever we wanted to. The first stop was at Ruby Tuesdays for lunch. For a minute or two I'd thought we'd have to leave. Aidan was whining and starting to throw a fit for her food. Ainsley was cranky and was outright crying (and anyone who knows her knows she is LOUD). I started to panic and get embarrassed but then I calmed myself down, told myself that of course I can handle it and that if I get upset.. it'll make it worse, and so very nicely (if I do say so myself) handled them both so that the lunch went well. (And the stressed out manager stopped looking at us with that "oh shit" expression) Afterward we shopped around, Aidan rode the train with her Daddy, we shopped some more, deliberated on trying Santa for awhile, decided to shop some more, had many bathroom breaks with Aidan, was told how cute our "little boys" were in their matching outfits by many people, deliberated again and again decided to shop some more, finally tried Santa, Aidan rode the train with me, stopped at Walmart with the girls sleeping in the backseat, and then went home. We didn't even buy all that much.

While we waited in line to see Santa I stood with Aidan so that she can see him and showed her how all the kids were sitting in his lap and what they were doing and was trying to get her used to the idea. In between kids.. he'd look over and wave at her. After perhaps the fifth time or so... she waved back and would even say "Hi Santa!" Weeeeel, when it came her turn OF COURSE she flipped out. In fact, she sat on his lap and threw a fit all red faced and kicking. Apparently she was hurting him by kicking him in the shins... which I didn't know until after it all. Ainsley too cried but was easily distracted by the jingle bells the girl was shaking... she was okay as long as she didn't look at who was holding her. It was an awkward situation made even more awkward because the young girl taking the pictures just stood there and shook the bells... she wouldn't take the picture.. even when they both got distracted .... hello?.... so both Santa and I both had to tell her to "TAKE THE PICTURE!" Anyway, I would hate to have his job and I feel bad about the shin kicking... Santa let me know that it hurt him quite a bit. Sorry! I gave John a lecture about how if the girls freaked out we'd just leave because I didn't see why parents traumatize their kids for it... but it was just so awkward and everyone looked at me to decide what to do and well .... you want to know the funny thing.... the picture they got wasn't that bad. The picture that was FINALLY taken was right when the both of them calmed down for a minute. You can tell they weren't happy.... but... you know.... it could have been worse.

Speaking of Old St. Nick.... it was really weird... when I was standing with Aidan watching all the other kids sit on his lap I got this strong excited feeling... like I was the kid and was about to sit on his lap and I TOTALLY believed in him. I really can't describe it accurately but it was one of the strangest things I've felt in a long time. I'm trying to figure out what it was... it certainly wasn't a representation of what Aidan was feeling... perhaps what she'll feel one or two years from now... but not NOW.... anyway.... it was so odd it kindof unsettled me for a bit. I suppose I felt stupid..... hmmm.... maybe I was picking up on the feelings of another kid??

Party Party!

Last night John and I went to our very first Christmas Party. Debra... (Realtor Deb)... and her husband... the guy John works with... threw it. I had a good time. It was nice and very interesting to meet all the people I've heard about for so long. (was an office party) It was also interesting seeing how they all behave when drunk too. I'm glad we went though I have to admit... I would have liked to have left an hour earlier than we did. I was a little uncomfortable the last hour but mostly because I wasn't drunk. I suppose I would have thought it much more entertaining if I had been.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Light Bulb On

Aidan was given a small flashlight by Mutti today. She loves her "yight." (All Ls are Ys) When she discovered that it helped you to see in dark places.. a soft "oh" was let out... and she systematically went through all the kitchen cabinets looking. I then watched as she went from object to object through the house and experimented on how the light changed on different surfaces. Of course she's just as serious as a heart attack too. This behavior, I know, is common with children her age but for her... it completely exemplifies who Aidan is. She is a serious observer who quietly learns and explores. Anyway, as for Ainsley she finally decided to try walking again. Since she was confined because of her arm she lost interest in it. I told her last night that it was time to start walking because she's 11 months old. I reckon she took me seriously because she started practicing again. I'm glad because I know myself well enough to know that I'll always try to explain why she was "a late walker" if I have to tell people she walked after her 1st birthday. Meaning.. I'll say things like "Oh, well, her walking was put on hold because she broke her arm." I know people will ask me when she first walked ... they ask about Aidan. And the majority of mothers who say they aren't comparing kids are lying.... so, yes, how "early" she walks is important. I wont lie. (no, not in the GRAND SCHEME of things but still)
Aidan and I had a really good time together today. We sorted her lacing beads, played a game to help learn colors, read Dr. Seuss, and had a lot of fun waiting for Daddy to get home while we played with the flashlight. I already sometimes feel a pressure in me to make sure I stay close with her... she's getting older and is naturally independent so I want to make sure our bond stays strong as she ages. I know she's two and most moms probably do not worry as much as I do about silly things like this.... but, well, sometimes its nice to have moments and know that I'm still doing a good job that sounds

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lost Monday

I lost you Monday... where did you go? How is it Tuesday? Well, I crashed on the couch all day yesterday. I think I had a case of food poisoning. The nausea pill I took knocked me out as well so the day really did slip away.... I think I woke up finally when John was almost home. Mutti was wonderful and kept an eye out for the girls (they stayed in the playroom all day). This morning we FINALLY went and bought some groceries. The eating out is really adding up. Though not broke.. we should watch what we spend. I was very frustrated with Walmart today. They have a certain item I want to purchase John for Christmas... that item is online but is out-of-stock and says it isn't found in the stores here. They are wrong. I found said item sitting on the shelf today. Yet, this item is selling for over $30 more than online. The store wont let me purchase it for the dicounted price and the website still says it is unavailable. ERGH! Stupid Walmart.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Family Time

We haven't had a day like today... I can't even remember the last time. We played outside and it was really nice. I'm so glad John is done with school for the moment. At least there is nearly a month before he must return. I'm glad he's getting a MBA but it really limits our free time... our family time.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hole in my pocket...

I have no cute anecdotes about the girls today. I only saw them about an hour. Lovely John watched them all day. Mutti and I have spent the ENTIRE day...just got back at 11:30pm.... shopping. The funny thing is that I have almost nothing to show for it... I/ We did have a good time though...... YAWN..... "Nigh 'Night!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

And so it Begins....

"I need to go Potty!"
(every ten minutes)
"I wanna snack"
(at 1 in the morning?)
"My nose is runny"
(nope..all dry)
"Oh, my socks! I need socks!"
(you wont wear them anyway)
and so on
and so on
all to get out of going to bed

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Aidan has played with her tent before but it has been a long time. Today I took it out and the girls just LOVED the tunnel and tent. Aidan thought she had something new. They chased each other... crawling in and out of the tunnel. Ainsley had no hesitation with going through . It was interesting to see the different approach since Aidan took forever to try it at her age.

And here they are making mischief! (blurry, I know)

Monday, December 08, 2008

How's that go?

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..

(like my fake fire?)

You know your tree is tall
when you need a ladder to
decorate it

Simple Pleasures From This Morning

The kitchen window with the blinds open just so... looking out and seeing the beautiful trees, squirrels, leaves falling
Instructions on where to put what on her lunch plate from a girl happy to be getting lasagna
Watching them play
Insane giggling and laughter because "Mommy, Little Bear is on my TV!"
That warm, limp body, head snuggled under my chin,
deep breaths of a baby who only wants to sleep if mommy is holding her because she doesn't feel good
Seeing the "warm glow" of my fake fire
and the stockings
hung by the chimney with care
Ah Christmas!
A happy, smiley elfish face...
patting me on the back in excitement because she's anticipating watching Einstein
"Nigh night Mommy" said in a small, sweet, tired voice
that lets me know she feels safe and loved
That moment to myself where all I hear is the heat circulating
and I can play on the internet
The sense of accomplishment when the scale still says I've lost two pounds
Happiness when it isn't difficult to NOT have that extra serving
Realizing somewhere I gained discipline
Finding a new blog to read
Yay for blog surfers!
Cycling through older pictures
of my girls
and remembering
Hearing my husbands voice
calling just to say "Hi"
Amusement at myself for being a sentimentalist

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Mini Photo Shoot

Christmas Spirit

We... meaning me, Mutti, the girls, and John's parents all went to R.H.'s Christmas in the square thingy. We totally missed the parade which was disappointing because I think Aidan would have loved it. I'm not sure what exactly I expect out of these activities but I am always a slight bit let down. I imagine it was fun for kids and I know Aidan liked it....she was talking about it and retold everything to her daddy later ... BUT... I don't know... they seem more lame than I expect them to be. There was a row of crafters selling their wares, a row of crafts kids can do (kind of lame too.. the kind of crafts you get from Oriental Trading Company), and of course.... snow! Yeah, the whole snow thing tickled my sense of the ridiculous. They had a small square blocked off with caution tape and would have a snow machine blow fresh snow in it. Then, they would let every kid who wanted to go in... go... so that within seconds the snow was gone and there was a mass of bodies fighting and throwing dirty ice at each other. I was amused by the fact that in Georgia there has to be fake snow piles for kids to see it. I was NOT amused by what the kids were doing and how unorganized it all was. First of all... the kids were not being supervised (how could they be?) and they should have let only a certain number go in at once so that they could actually enjoy it. Also, the younger kids had no chance to play with it because it would have been too dangerous (think recent trampling incident at Walmart) I did eventually get Curtis to take her in one of the corners.. I thought his size could protect her...she was having a fit to see the snow so we braved it. She was fine and laughed and tried to throw balls at me. I, however, got pelted with a large, stray ball... in the chest..... that splattered all over my camera! It hurt. A lot. (the camera was fine.) I had every intention of writing a nice post about how we enjoyed ourselves today... because we did... so don't get me wrong. It was fun because Aidan liked it. I think I have too high expectations.

Grandma 'Reen was "helping" Aidan make crafts

Not much fun for Ainsley I suppose

She LOVED the "snow"!

The "Petting zoo" which consisted of guinea pigs and rabbits... snort.

Soooo, after all this FUN we went and had lunch at Dennys. Then we went home. Aidan played with "PaPa" for a while and then she took a nap with Ainsley. Maureen and Curtis stayed for over a half hour after they went down.. which was shocking. They were actually having a good time. So we all talked until they left. Mutti and I then took a nap. I woke up at a quarter to SIX!!! The girls slept the whole time. It felt like the twilight zone waking up at night like that. Obviously, it has been a long day.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Good News!

Ainsley is now officially all better. Her right arm is stronger than her left at the moment because her body made extra bone where it was broken. The doctor said that in six months it will normal. Yay! Now I don't need to be extra careful. I need to help her to use it again because she's become left- dominant and the muscle tone in the right is not as strong.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Little Girls

I read a novel today....The Christmas Hope. Usually when I immerse myself in a book all others around me are forgotten and yes... even resented if they intrude. I want the world to leave me alone when I read. However, today the girls were playing so nicely together that I had to stop multiple times just to watch them. Though I MUST have been influenced by the book (about X-mas and giving thanks and trusting God) I was so full of love and peace and happiness and thankfulness that I was emotionally on overload. Watching Aidan and Ainsley play is amazing to me. Though the 15 month spacing between them is more noticeable at these ages they are so in sync. They move from one activity to another, playing together, sharing, helping (Aidan), and all the possessive behavior is lacking. (yes, I know it will come) Aidan is so patient and so NICE to Ainsley it boggles my mind. She seems to instinctively know what Ainsley is/is not capable of doing and adjusts her playing accordingly. Of course there are little "spats" here or there but I must admit I get pleasure from watching (or hearing) those as well. Aidan will usually cry out "Hey! DeDeeeeee!" and De De will yell back at her and perhaps even smack at her (which is NOT a learned behaviour.... it is natural to her.... notice I said Ainsley will thinks our little baby is the dominant one of our pack.) Anyway, perhaps I was hormonal but it was so NICE. I just so enjoyed the day with them.... watching them play... reading stories....making the paper chain with Aidan.... just simply being with them and knowing all the while how blessed I am to have them and to have the life I'm living. I am truly truly blessed. What joys, what simple pleasures I have in my life! I am so very thankful.....