Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Musings ...

.... of my 5 year old.... (actual)

"What if everything in the world was called something different? Like this car would be a book and this car seat would be a store or something? If they had different names do you think we'd think they sounded weird or would we think they sounded normal?"

"How do we know that we are really real? What if we're all a dream and we just think we're real?"

"If God exists then why doesn't he just let everyone know for sure? Why does he have to be so mysterious?"

.... of my 4 year old...  (I'm guessing)

"How long can I pretend to be busy while everyone else is cleaning/picking up so that I don't have to help at all?"

"Let's see... if Mommy was patient with me the day before for an hour and half and was patient with me yesterday for an hour ... then, today, I'll allow myself 30 minutes of messing with her."

"I wonder when Mommy will finally figure out that I can, in fact, run circles around her?"



Amanda said...

I love it. Ansley runs circles around me and I know it....so does she LOL. Don't you love the way their minds work. Just amazing. Enjoy!

Raising a Happy Child said...

Love it. A lot of it is something that my 5 year old says/thinks :)