Thursday, April 14, 2011

What's Up Part 2


With the exception of random sentences she writes on drawings or cards she makes... Aidan hasn't done any writing... not even in her workbook.



Aidan is always reading things on her own. Every night before bed she prefers to unwind by reading for a little while. Mostly, it's all in her head at this point (so as not to disturb the others). I have no clue how much she skips or how much she's retaining. I cringe to type this but the kids and I reading together has lessened to the point of being nonexistent. I have a basket of books that I had brought with me... months ago... for us to go through and so far they have remained untouched except by them. You can easily guess my feelings on this one.

Since we are living with 4 older children I am having to take books away that I feel is inappropriate for her to be reading. A few weeks ago I had to argue with her over reading Harry Potter. LOL. She wants to read what the others are reading.


There really hasn't been much else. No science, social studies, read alouds, etc. T4L was only done once... a few weeks ago. Exciting ... huh? Oh, Aidan did put together a 300+ puzzle the other day. I helped with maybe 20 of the pieces.

To be continued....



Amanda said...

She's doing great. We have slowed down some...Just have been busy since Christmas with lots of other things. But since our meeting with the school pretty much ruled anything but homeschooling out, Ansley and I were talking today and we are going to sit down and hash out what she wants from homeschooling. I have decided to let her kind of tell me what she wants. I guess I am now relaxing a bit over everything now that the decision has been officially made.

Thank you so much for the wonderful comment you posted on my post. It is so great to have someone understand. I feel like I am always fighting for her.


Raising a Happy Child said...

Don't blame yourself - you do so much in this difficult situation. It sounds like both kids learn a lot from older cousins, and it's by itself probably a better school than you could offer to them. They are both very talented girls!