Friday, April 15, 2011

What's Up Part 3


Ainsley is mostly content to just play with toys and the cousins. However, she does not like to be left out and so she'll do school whenever she sees Aidan doing it. Right now her favorite thing to work on is the Drops in the Bucket worksheets. Like all 3 year olds... she especially loves the cutting and pasting part. She does work in the ETC primer set but likes to hurry through it because it's easy. She LOVES to use the small wipe board and practice writing letters. She makes "families." If she's practicing the letter "b" she'll make a Daddy, Mommy, Grandma, Sister, Brother, and Baby "b".    :D  This last week, she's been on a puzzle kick and is doing all the 24 piece ones. I think she's ready for a harder one, however, so I plan to try out a 50 piece with her soon. On occasion, I'll find her counting things. She'll take toys and do math problems."Two barbies and three barbies is 5 barbies." It's cute. I'm proud. Also, her vocabulary is awesome.

"Apparently, Daddy is here."

 "Ah, this is so obnoxious!" she says as her blocks don't fit together quite right.

"Please stop aggravating me!" she'll say to one of the other kids.

"I was really exited yesterday because _________ is exciting."

As for reading... she's just not as interested. She prefers to make up the stories herself. I made up a sticker chart for her and whenever she practices reading... she'll get a sticker. Well, LOL, she has 1 so far. Admittedly, because we never do school, I don't really ask her or remind her but still, it's funny.

To be continued...

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