Sunday, December 27, 2009

Simply Christmas

Our Christmas morning was quiet. Because the girls had stayed up so late the previous night...they didn't wake until 8:30. They played with the kitchen for awhile and dumped out their stockings. Then, we opened our gifts. The girls had a rather large pile. I had every intention of them having only a few presents but when you pick up a little something here and there... it adds up. I pray that they do not become overly spoiled. I struggle with the natural wish to give them lots of cool things and the wish for them not to feel "entitled" to everything. I tell myself that as they age... presents will be cut back... and that I'm just letting them enjoy Christmas while they're young. I hope that I'm not deluding myself.

Ainsley with her new "bike" and Aidan with her new robe
Playing with the new kitchen

Candy before breakfast... a rare treat

Aidan loves her new TAG reader

After presents... John cooked our traditional Christmas sausages rolled in crescents and cinnamon buns. Later, the in-laws came over for an hour or so to see what the girls got. At night, we watched one of their new movies.
It was a nice Christmas... quiet and peaceful.

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