Friday, July 10, 2009


It's funny how others can laugh at your pain. They huff and roll their eyes and wonder what is wrong with you. Shouldn't it matter to them that you're hurting?.. that you're grieving?... that your heart is broken in a million pieces?? I do not understand the callousness that we're met with. Yes, she was a cat... yes, she was just a dumb animal (if you believe that anyway.) But we still experience loss and anger and all the horrible emotions that come hand-in-hand with a death. I am sorry for those who have never had that bond... that spiritual connection to an animal... it is magical. When someone has been a companion for 14 years, a confidant, a friend, a loved one... you grieve for them. Have a little empathy people!


The Mrs. said...

I'm sorry about your cat. And that others aren't understanding about it. I've never had a pet, well we have fish but ya know, they kinda just swim and die, so I will admit I dont get the pet attachment thing, I mean I get that you loved it I just mean that I havent had that attachment. I hope I've pulled my foot out of my mouth by now!

Really though, I must be hard to not have the company and love of your pet. Hang in there.

MommyIvy said...

I understand. My inlaws got mad one time because we spent $400 to save our dog.

Super Fun Mama said...

Your post brings me to tears. My sweet furbaby is terminally ill. She has mammary cancer. I've had the lumps removed once and now the vet says it is all they can do. Frankly, I can't face the reality. I've had many deaths in my life--but honestly this may be harder to bear than most. She has slept on my chest for the last 11 years. There was a time in my life, when she was all that I had. I had her before my husband. My love for her is so deep that it hurts. The other night to prepare myself I tried to imagine a reality without her and the pain was so unimaginably intense that I couldn't do it. So...I understand. I would do anything to save her. Instead, day after day I have to watch her drift away from me.

Super Fun Mama said...

What happened to your cat? I didn't read about that anywhere. Oh, I'll definitely do something similiar. Never would I give her just a hole in the ground. You know I have to admit that I judge people by how they are about animals. If someone doesn't have an animal, I always kind of question their character and heart. I've never been without animals and can't imagine a life without them. I just don't trust people that don't love animals...