You speak extremely well. I use the word extremely because you are way ahead of where Aidan was at this stage. I have no clue how many words you use because there are too many to count. So, lets just say a lot. If you don't know a word... you can surely repeat it.. at least to where people can understand what you're saying. It fascinates me how you are progressing... it is so different from your sister. Much to my pride, in the last two weeks, you've started to piece a few two-word sentences together... not a whole lot... but a few and they're becoming more frequent every day. Today I heard you use two new sentences. (such as "play now") One of the joys of parenting you is seeing how people react when little tiny you starts talking to them. They still react to your sister talking (b/c of her size) and then really react when they hear you use words. I love it... I admit it... I like people admiring my children.
One of the most amazing things to me is that you've already started learning letters and numbers. I realize that because you have Aidan as your main playmate/friend you are interested in things she's interested in and surrounded by the information but it's still amazing. You've started rote counting. You have counted 1-10 without help but you don't have it completely down. Your daddy in particular gets a kick out of this and likes to practice with you. You are also able to point to and correctly name certain letters, numbers, and colors. I've never tested you on shapes so I don't know if you know any but I wouldn't be surprised.
I know I and the other adults in your life are doing something right because you already have wonderful manners. You say "pease" and "dank you" and some version of "your welcome." This is a relatively new development but you've adopted it so well it comes automatically. Besides your manners, you are such a love bug. Most of time you're too busy being Ainsley to stop and cuddle but you love to come and give hugs and kisses and "nosey noseys" on the fly.
Right now you still only have two teeth on the bottom. The rest are all trying to come through at once but I'm afraid your teeth must be oversize because they don't seem to be making much headway. This sounds horrible but we're keeping you quite medicated (teething tablets, Motrin, and Orajel) You just get SO cranky with all this teething.
speaking of cranky...
I'm sure I've mentioned this in every letter I've written you... but... you still have quite a temper. You definitely have no problem with wailing in an ear-splitting cry whenever something isn't how you wish it to be.... but.... BUT.... we are seeing a lot of improvements lately. I do not fault you overmuch... because you are so little and the youngest...and because you're the LOUDEST... we do tend to give in to you a little more. Some battles we never let you win (such as picking up toys) but others... we do. So, really its our fault... you are only doing what works. I caught myself giving in to you today, in fact, because we were in public and I HATE criers in public. However, you seriously have been improving because we have been improving. Score one for both sides.
Let's see? You love to sing songs. You copy Aidan with everything...movements, words, noises, etc. Your favorite toy is still a ball... we're amassing quite a collection of them... I do believe you will be signed up for soccer when you're older. You are still not overly interested in television but you'll sit and watch Einstein and now, Brainy Baby. You are still very social. Recently, you've started yelling "Hi" in the friendliest way imaginable to all sorts of people. You eat like you're starving; we still cut your food up like a baby or you'll choke. You are also... we possibly need to watch it too... gaining weight. For a while you were so skinny it was worrisome but now you're becoming a chunky monkey. I believe you are around 20 pounds now and about 28.5 inches tall. (Aidan is only 22/23 pounds)
You are very much like me in a lot of ways. You act like me a lot, mostly in subtle ways that are hard to describe. (except IIII didn't have such a Of course... it goes without saying.... the older you grow... the more you look like me. (ahem... heh... sorry)
Ainsley, I can only promise to do my best. I will not always get it perfect. Being a parent is hard work. Thank you for adding that special love in my life that is unique only to you. You keep me on my toes Little Bit... but its okay 'cause I need the exercise.
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