Found off of Craigslist... way too much I know... but so cool.. and CHEAP!!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Well Visit
Went to the doctor today...or rather... went to the doctor's office today... never see the actual Doctor unless someone's really sick. Ainsley weighs 20 pounds 1 ounce and is .... da da dum...... 29 inches.....yay Ainsley!!!! Patty was quite pleased with it... she's actually on the charts!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Dear Ainsley on being 18 months old,
You speak extremely well. I use the word extremely because you are way ahead of where Aidan was at this stage. I have no clue how many words you use because there are too many to count. So, lets just say a lot. If you don't know a word... you can surely repeat it.. at least to where people can understand what you're saying. It fascinates me how you are progressing... it is so different from your sister. Much to my pride, in the last two weeks, you've started to piece a few two-word sentences together... not a whole lot... but a few and they're becoming more frequent every day. Today I heard you use two new sentences. (such as "play now") One of the joys of parenting you is seeing how people react when little tiny you starts talking to them. They still react to your sister talking (b/c of her size) and then really react when they hear you use words. I love it... I admit it... I like people admiring my children.
One of the most amazing things to me is that you've already started learning letters and numbers. I realize that because you have Aidan as your main playmate/friend you are interested in things she's interested in and surrounded by the information but it's still amazing. You've started rote counting. You have counted 1-10 without help but you don't have it completely down. Your daddy in particular gets a kick out of this and likes to practice with you. You are also able to point to and correctly name certain letters, numbers, and colors. I've never tested you on shapes so I don't know if you know any but I wouldn't be surprised.
I know I and the other adults in your life are doing something right because you already have wonderful manners. You say "pease" and "dank you" and some version of "your welcome." This is a relatively new development but you've adopted it so well it comes automatically. Besides your manners, you are such a love bug. Most of time you're too busy being Ainsley to stop and cuddle but you love to come and give hugs and kisses and "nosey noseys" on the fly.
Right now you still only have two teeth on the bottom. The rest are all trying to come through at once but I'm afraid your teeth must be oversize because they don't seem to be making much headway. This sounds horrible but we're keeping you quite medicated (teething tablets, Motrin, and Orajel) You just get SO cranky with all this teething.
speaking of cranky...
I'm sure I've mentioned this in every letter I've written you... but... you still have quite a temper. You definitely have no problem with wailing in an ear-splitting cry whenever something isn't how you wish it to be.... but.... BUT.... we are seeing a lot of improvements lately. I do not fault you overmuch... because you are so little and the youngest...and because you're the LOUDEST... we do tend to give in to you a little more. Some battles we never let you win (such as picking up toys) but others... we do. So, really its our fault... you are only doing what works. I caught myself giving in to you today, in fact, because we were in public and I HATE criers in public. However, you seriously have been improving because we have been improving. Score one for both sides.
Let's see? You love to sing songs. You copy Aidan with everything...movements, words, noises, etc. Your favorite toy is still a ball... we're amassing quite a collection of them... I do believe you will be signed up for soccer when you're older. You are still not overly interested in television but you'll sit and watch Einstein and now, Brainy Baby. You are still very social. Recently, you've started yelling "Hi" in the friendliest way imaginable to all sorts of people. You eat like you're starving; we still cut your food up like a baby or you'll choke. You are also... we possibly need to watch it too... gaining weight. For a while you were so skinny it was worrisome but now you're becoming a chunky monkey. I believe you are around 20 pounds now and about 28.5 inches tall. (Aidan is only 22/23 pounds)
You are very much like me in a lot of ways. You act like me a lot, mostly in subtle ways that are hard to describe. (except IIII didn't have such a Of course... it goes without saying.... the older you grow... the more you look like me. (ahem... heh... sorry)
Ainsley, I can only promise to do my best. I will not always get it perfect. Being a parent is hard work. Thank you for adding that special love in my life that is unique only to you. You keep me on my toes Little Bit... but its okay 'cause I need the exercise.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Working Hard Again
Recently John was able to work in the yard again. So, of course, I used the opportunity for the girls to play and for me to snap pictures.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
How to make two little girls happy
Surprise them with something outside the standard cheerios and bananas... perhaps oatmeal or even a waffle...
Make sure you bring that seldom used toy out of the closet for them to play with... they'll enjoy it for at least an hour
Let them pick which color plate to use... the purple or the blue... the choosing is just SO exciting
Sneak them that little bite of an extra cookie... make sure you wink and tell them "shhh"
If you really want to make their day... make them a tent with an old sheet... Ya HOO!
Play the tell-you-a-secret game where you whisper LOUD nonsense in each others ears... for sure you'll get many giggles and happy screeches
Give them a hug and tell them you love their face.. .or their nose... or whatever you feel like waxing on about
Every once in a while tell them YOU'LL pick up the playroom tonight and they get to have a break... (they love that you say so but more than likely it spurs them on to help you)
Take them outside... what's easier than that?
Give them some cheap little something you've had sitting around the house that you don't want and tell them its a present... they'll hug it and get all excited and tell you thank you for two hours (ahh, the grateful little dears)
Spend 10 minutes doing something with them... stacking blocks, coloring, singing a song...DUH!
Let them help with the cooking, or the cleaning, or the laundry (they do so love to help)
End their day with a bubble bath
Isn't it wonderful how easy it is?
Make sure you bring that seldom used toy out of the closet for them to play with... they'll enjoy it for at least an hour
Let them pick which color plate to use... the purple or the blue... the choosing is just SO exciting
Sneak them that little bite of an extra cookie... make sure you wink and tell them "shhh"
If you really want to make their day... make them a tent with an old sheet... Ya HOO!
Play the tell-you-a-secret game where you whisper LOUD nonsense in each others ears... for sure you'll get many giggles and happy screeches
Give them a hug and tell them you love their face.. .or their nose... or whatever you feel like waxing on about
Every once in a while tell them YOU'LL pick up the playroom tonight and they get to have a break... (they love that you say so but more than likely it spurs them on to help you)
Take them outside... what's easier than that?
Give them some cheap little something you've had sitting around the house that you don't want and tell them its a present... they'll hug it and get all excited and tell you thank you for two hours (ahh, the grateful little dears)
Spend 10 minutes doing something with them... stacking blocks, coloring, singing a song...DUH!
Let them help with the cooking, or the cleaning, or the laundry (they do so love to help)
End their day with a bubble bath
Isn't it wonderful how easy it is?
Dear World
How very obliging it is for the ground
to meet me with every step
Really, its okay
No, seriously... STOP
I am aware that most people find Carnival rides enjoyable
Did you forget that I do not?
May I get off now?
How very obliging it is for the ground
to meet me with every step
Really, its okay
No, seriously... STOP
I am aware that most people find Carnival rides enjoyable
Did you forget that I do not?
May I get off now?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Being Busy
Lately I've been making an effort with doing things with the girls. I'm trying to keep us busy. Undoubtedly this is directly related to the BAD month we've been having. Perhaps I am trying to make up for the negative energy around us?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
It's funny how others can laugh at your pain. They huff and roll their eyes and wonder what is wrong with you. Shouldn't it matter to them that you're hurting?.. that you're grieving?... that your heart is broken in a million pieces?? I do not understand the callousness that we're met with. Yes, she was a cat... yes, she was just a dumb animal (if you believe that anyway.) But we still experience loss and anger and all the horrible emotions that come hand-in-hand with a death. I am sorry for those who have never had that bond... that spiritual connection to an animal... it is magical. When someone has been a companion for 14 years, a confidant, a friend, a loved one... you grieve for them. Have a little empathy people!
Monday, July 06, 2009
July 4th
We went to the festival at our local park. The girls have never stayed up that late before but they had a blast. They ended up sweaty, dirty, and exhausted.
They also slept in the next day!
Aidan did not like the noise. The fireworks scared her but I talked her through it and she halfway enjoyed them.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Impressions of NYC
In some ways New York was a major disappointment. Perhaps the hype of "New York City" contributed to it but I think I may indulge myself too much with my imagination. The first thing I thought upon seeing New York was that it was ugly. "Concrete jungle" is apt. I started feeling claustrophobic before we landed. Much of what I had seen in movies and pictures and such... I was surprised when I saw them in real life. Honestly, I would look around and think... "this is it?" Laugh all you will... but when I stood in Times Square... I kept looking around for the rest of it. I also had counted on being somewhat "cultured shocked" or even "awestruck" by it all. (I was imagining little country girl goes to big city scenes) Yeah, well, I wasn't. I felt so blase about it all that THAT shocked me. Growing up, I and most people I know, imagine NYC to be the most danger- ridden place. I cannot tell you how many people asked me if I was "scared" of going or how many warnings I got from people to not ride the subway. Yes, I rode the subway.. and besides it being dirty... quite enjoyed it. Frankly, it is necessary to get from one place to the other. I also ran around by myself.. going uptown and downtown... touring... while John was with his class. The other wives stayed in their hotel room. I didn't understand that. Really? You're going to go to one of the most "awesomest" cities full of touristy type things and you'll just sit around waiting on your husband? Yeah, no thank you.. I'll meet you later.
Does it sound like I didn't enjoy it? Oh, heck no.... IT WAS WONDERFUL! I loved it. Not only did I have a full week of doing only what I felt like doing...where I didn't have to put aside my wishes or wants to take care of someone else's.... but I got to have a good time with just my husband. John and I reconnected a bit. We weren't Mommy and Daddy there. We were John and Briana again. It was nice. To be perfectly honest... (and much to my GREAT surprise) I didn't miss the kids all that much. WHOA! WHAT? Yes, it's true. I knew them to be in good hands (Thank you McMama!) and I realised quickly that it was NICE not having to be "on-call" 24/7. I feel slightly guilty admitting this... my ambition, my desires, my thoughts, my worries, my whole LIFE is ALL centered on the kids.... and then I go away for five days without shedding a tear. (this is the same me that starts fretting when she's been away from the kids for more than two hours?) So, I suppose you can say that I discovered a new part of me.
We plan on returning. I plan on bringing the kids when they're older for a week or two of "field trips" for their schooling. New York has an awesome selection of things to do... I'm sure we didn't see a 100th of what we would like to have seen.
Does it sound like I didn't enjoy it? Oh, heck no.... IT WAS WONDERFUL! I loved it. Not only did I have a full week of doing only what I felt like doing...where I didn't have to put aside my wishes or wants to take care of someone else's.... but I got to have a good time with just my husband. John and I reconnected a bit. We weren't Mommy and Daddy there. We were John and Briana again. It was nice. To be perfectly honest... (and much to my GREAT surprise) I didn't miss the kids all that much. WHOA! WHAT? Yes, it's true. I knew them to be in good hands (Thank you McMama!) and I realised quickly that it was NICE not having to be "on-call" 24/7. I feel slightly guilty admitting this... my ambition, my desires, my thoughts, my worries, my whole LIFE is ALL centered on the kids.... and then I go away for five days without shedding a tear. (this is the same me that starts fretting when she's been away from the kids for more than two hours?) So, I suppose you can say that I discovered a new part of me.
We plan on returning. I plan on bringing the kids when they're older for a week or two of "field trips" for their schooling. New York has an awesome selection of things to do... I'm sure we didn't see a 100th of what we would like to have seen.
We ....
Went to Times Square multiple times
Saw Phantom of the Opera
Ran around Little Italy
(nothing but food)
and China town
(nothing but cheap souvenirs)
Had a carriage ride through Central Park
(wouldn't do it again... not worth the $)
Museum of Natural History
(I love museums)
Museum of American Indians
(mostly clothes)
Tenement Museum
Empire State Building
Ran around Battery Point and Wall street
(John was pleased to see the Bull)
(No, we didn't have time to go to Ellis Island)
Shopped at...
Toys R Us
Fao Schwartz
Disney Store
Scholastic store
(okay, see, I was thinking of the kids)
"Shopped" at...
($250 flannel shirt anyone?)
(yeah, we just used the bathroom there)
Went to Times Square multiple times
Saw Phantom of the Opera
Ran around Little Italy
(nothing but food)
and China town
(nothing but cheap souvenirs)
Had a carriage ride through Central Park
(wouldn't do it again... not worth the $)
Museum of Natural History
(I love museums)
Museum of American Indians
(mostly clothes)
Tenement Museum
Empire State Building
Ran around Battery Point and Wall street
(John was pleased to see the Bull)
(No, we didn't have time to go to Ellis Island)
Shopped at...
Toys R Us
Fao Schwartz
Disney Store
Scholastic store
(okay, see, I was thinking of the kids)
"Shopped" at...
($250 flannel shirt anyone?)
(yeah, we just used the bathroom there)
The absolute BEST thing about NYC? The people! I loved seeing all the different people... hearing the different languages. I love to study people and they just fascinated me. Being there made me realize how little variety there is down here. I was amused a lot. Lately, I've been reading a lot of contemporary fiction (which seems to take place in NYC 90% of the time) People walking around the street seemed to me to have just walked out of one of my books. In one glance I'd see the tourists (with maps and fanny packs and lost looks), the business men and women with briefcases and suits, the homeless asleep on the bench or just chillin' in a park, the Nanny pushing around the rich little white kid with funny, designer clothes on and a stroller that probably cost more than my house, the gay men with salon hair and expensive clothes, the spoiled rich young'uns running around busy being "entitled"... etc. There were a lot of "wealthy" folks. You could smell them a mile away. The air around them just shimmers with money. I suppose you're not really supposed to stare at people and smile at them like they're a good joke.. but I really couldn't help it. I had quite a few "look-down-their-noses" looks from people but that just made me smile all the more because they were so "in character." Ah, the people!
I would never in a million years choose to live there permanently... being stacked like cockroaches is not my idea of comfortable living... but it would be wonderful to visit for a long period.. so that I could shop and see all the historical, educational things... and watch all the people. I imagine myself in a park with a laptop. I think just the deep history of NY and all its people would inspire me to write a novel.
Have I ever mentioned that I like to write?
I would never in a million years choose to live there permanently... being stacked like cockroaches is not my idea of comfortable living... but it would be wonderful to visit for a long period.. so that I could shop and see all the historical, educational things... and watch all the people. I imagine myself in a park with a laptop. I think just the deep history of NY and all its people would inspire me to write a novel.
Have I ever mentioned that I like to write?
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