Thursday, April 08, 2010

On Order

Much to my amusement, I decided to order Singapore Primary Math 1A this week. I've known about Singapore math for years... I remember when it was in the news a while back... but I never really thought it would be something I'd pick. The last few days, however, I've immersed myself in research about it and I'm thinking that Aidan might excel with it. Reviews are mixed of course but it may just work for her. Saxon is still the math that I would have wanted for myself. I need the repetition (even if just for o.c.d. reasons) but Aidan isn't me. So far she has shown that once she knows it... she doesn't want to look back. If you bore her... she shuts down.

Aidan seems to "get" math. Intuitively, she sees the patterns and the logic of it all. She also will pick anything math related over phonics/language every time. I just haven't made it a priority until now. She really enjoys doing math and so I now see no reason why I shouldn't let her.

So, my plan is to continue with Saxon K (for the moment)... skipping and choosing. I'll also still give her extra worksheets and have her work on her addition and subtraction. We'll then move on to Singapore. She isn't ready for Math 1A yet but I don't believe it will be long before she is.

*Disclaimer* of course since I've bought the textbook unseen... I may find I dislike it and will then pick something else. Luckily, Singapore Math is very inexpensive so I haven't wasted a lot of money.

1 comment:

PragmaticMom said...

I love Singapore Math and my kids do it to supplement Everyday Math (chicago project) at school.

I blog on it at

Pragmatic Mom