Monday, November 02, 2009

Top 10 Signs You're Preggo ( before you take a test)

10. Your period is late

09. You experience sharp pulling pains every time you stand up

08. For three weeks now you have had a headache... it's always there

07. You find certain foods absolutely disgusting and cannot understand why people would even contemplate eating them

06. Your bedtime has changed from 12-ish to 9-ish

05. You like to google "am I pregnant"

04. You have such a bad case of Acid Reflux and Indigestion you are severely limited to what you can eat

03. Hugs from your exuberant children bring tears to your eyes.. and not from emotion but from pain

02. You find yourself salivating over cans of chili in the supermarket

01. Wha?... OH!... Sorry... (YAWN)... I Fell Asleep!

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