Saturday, April 11, 2009


Well the Easter Bunny just visited our house. I think the girls will be pleased. He didn't leave much candy but left some cool stuff. Aidan is really excited about putting out her basket. This is the first time she really knows what is going on with a holiday. Tomorrow the plan is to go spend the day with the in-laws ... church and dinner etc. They might have an Easter Egg hunt in the backyard as well.
We spend last night in the hospital emergency room. Ainsley has BROKEN HER ARM AGAIN!! I cannot believe she has broken two bones in the same arm within 6 months of each other. I thought babies' bones were supposed to be flexible. This time it isn't the collar bone but her actual humerus bone. It just makes me sick to the stomach especially because she is obviously in so much pain. Of course the doctors wont give her anything for the pain because of her age. Monday I plan to talk to the Orthopedic Dr. and try to get him to give her a cast. Right now we just have a sling. I don't think it is enough protection.. esp. because she is so active.
We were supposed to be leaving for N.C. on Monday but that will be pushed back until Tuesday or later.. it's dependent on how Bit is doing.
I went to the doctor yesterday. I have bronchitis and early stages of pneumonia. It isn't fun.

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