Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Whine- itis

Ahhh, the splendor of a cranky, demanding girl who has decided to test the adults to see how much she can get away with...if only she wasn't SO loud... and where did that piercing screech come from?

Let us not forget the older, "I too, Mommy", "My turn Mommy", defiant but hey, aren't I being cute?, let me think of whatever naughty thing to do to get your attention girl... I wonder how parents who work deal with these attention cravings from kids... it must be 10 times worse...I'm with them 24/7 for heaven's sake...well, subtract sleeping hours and such

1 comment:

amanda said...

i keep reminding myself that the "testing" trait is a good one. right now it drives me mildly insane - but one day when she is a big girl and all grown up, i hope it comes in handy :)