Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Stuffing myself with ham. helper stroganoff is NOT the way to lose weight.. says me who takes a bite while I type.

I cannot believe it but John is actually taking tomorrow off for my birthday. I found out today he actually put in the time for it two weeks ago. I cannot wait to see what is in store for me tomorrow. Whatever it is I will try to be really happy about it and (even if I don't like it) remember to be thankful he actually is making an effort. Though, note, I'd like to know why he starts making an effort when I stop caring? Go Figure!

Went over to Jessica's house today. It was nice to get out of the house of course. I unfortunately had to leave Ainsley behind. Dragging her out at naptime just isn't working with her personality. It will be great when she moves to one nap a day.

Aidan is starting to look older to me now. I keep getting glimpses of an adult face peeking at me when she looks at me a certain way or at a certain angle.

I've discovered Ainsley looks good in yellow. Until this point I have never bought anything yellow because Aidan is too pale to wear it.. now I can buy it.

I like the AT&T commercial where the man takes the little girl's monkey with him on a business trip and takes pictures for her. It's so sweet I get teary. I can see John doing that. He so loves his girls or as I always tell him he's such a "great girl daddy." Is that insulting to a man?


Sarah said...

that is so great he is taking a whole day off to be with you. my husband called me on my bday last week on his way home and asked me if i wanted him to pick up a card or if I was okay not getting one. LOL. I said dont worry about it and then he took me shopping for a few things to wear until this kid at least that was nice. heehee. it was just too funny. anyway. enjoy your day tomorrow!! and happy bday!

amanda said...

love the hubby taking the day off for your birthday - mine did that this year and it was my most favoritest present ever!!

and i too love that commercial. and i don't think it's an insult at all to say he is a great girl daddy - i think it's sweet :)

and happy, happy birthday!!