Monday, March 23, 2009


Lady Bug is very much enjoying gymnastics. I think instinctively I picked the right thing for her. Though she has only attended three classes she has really shown a marked difference...not only in her participation but physically and socially. Today she let the teacher touch and help her! This is so perfect to help her build confidence and to trust people. I'm so happy I made the decision to take her. For her, it is the right thing. Her favorite activities are the balance beam (which she refuses help with and is a little over-confident about), the bars, and and the foam pit. We will definitely be continuing with it.... well after a little break for swim lessons.


amanda said...

congrats on making the right mommy decision :)

and happy belated birthday - looks like you had a great time celebrating!!

Unknown said...

Gymnastics, huh? Neat! I think it's so cool that Aidan's getting into it. It takes a bit of courage! I remember the challenge and apprehension of learning to swim, long ago... :)