Friday, September 05, 2008

Potty Training Day Four

I am so proud of Aidan I could burst! On day one.. she didn't use the potty at all. I literally had to hold her down on the seat and I gave up halfway through the day. On day two she had about a 50% success rate with going to the potty. Yesterday, she mostly used the potty but still had a few accidents. Today, however, she had only ONE accident and that was probably because John didn't help her quickly enough. Since yesterday she has gone from crying and fighting it every time she goes to calmly walking over and doing it herself. Today she even pooped in the potty. And she didn't fuss! The thing about Aidan is that she has always fought going. I think it was a control issue. Today, however, she would stop in the midst of playing and go and do it herself. She still needs help of course.. if she's wearing clothes... but if you leave her naked... she just tells you afterwards.... "See?" she'll ask while pointing in the potty. Then she'll clap her hands and look for approval. Some part of me thinks.. wait wait... can't we put this off until we get to the new house?... this is BAD TIMING. But, unfortunately, she has decided it's time and does not want to go in a diaper or PullUP... even if she's sleeping. Something has clicked on in her head and she believes this is what she SHOULD do now. So there is no turning back now. My Aidan will be potty trained before two.....

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