We stayed in GA for Halloween. Although I missed the big kids and the usual excitement at their house... I also really enjoyed just being with John and the girls. We only trick-or-treated for an hour... as opposed to the 2-3 hours we usually do in NC but A & A were happy and they had a lot of fun. John and I kept smiling at each other... we were enjoying them.
Bumblebee... to the rescue!
All night, people kept asking if she was a nurse. "No, I'm a Doctor." or "Actually, I'm a surgeon." she'd reply. LOL! I love my little nerd.
It usually went something like this...
"TrickorTreatHappyHalloweenThankYouTrickorTreatHaveaGoodNight" Aidan would yell this all out in one breath and Ainsley would quietly echo her.