-Am feeling pregnant... have a lot of signs... so far tests are negative but I haven't missed monthly visitor yet.
-I think I like Ainsley's hair. It makes her look older and it's very nice not to worry about food in it. I'm also not always having to look for another barrette.
-I love how Ainsley says "shoe shoes" never are they just shoes.
-I miss some of Aidan's sayings. Just the other day I realized she no longer said... something... what was it again?
-Do you know that Aidan can go potty(pee) and wash her hands all by herself? I'm proud but sad about it.
-It cracks me up...Ainsley just passed gas and said "scus me" Why are manners funny in the very young?
-I just let the girls loose with markers... not sure why am I still on the computer...
-I think I like Ainsley's hair. It makes her look older and it's very nice not to worry about food in it. I'm also not always having to look for another barrette.
-I love how Ainsley says "shoe shoes" never are they just shoes.
-I miss some of Aidan's sayings. Just the other day I realized she no longer said... something... what was it again?
-Do you know that Aidan can go potty(pee) and wash her hands all by herself? I'm proud but sad about it.
-It cracks me up...Ainsley just passed gas and said "scus me" Why are manners funny in the very young?
-I just let the girls loose with markers... not sure why am I still on the computer...