I hate shopping for clothes.. and I mean H.A.T.E! In life, I am a relaxed, go-with-it kindof person (with a few exceptions) but when I shop for clothes I end up a wreck. Sounds stupid? Yeah, I know... it is. But somehow I always end up half crazy with frustration, tired, and near tears. Today, to my UNenjoyment (lol) I was shopping for 7 hours.. by myself.. looking for clothes for the girls. They have NO summer clothes and it is already hot down here so I went to Carters, Target, and every single store in the mall (that carries kids clothes anyway.. okay, take out Strasbourg Children or whatever... WAY not in my price range) Why was I so upset?
1.) Apparently the seasons hits are plaid capri with polo shirts. That's fine and dandy but EVERYTHING was plaid Capri and polo shirts. How many do you need?
2.) There were really only 4 colors of anything to choose from dark pink, lime green, orange, and blue. Mostly everything was in the dark pink which I like but why would I want their whole wardrobe to be in dark pink? What happened to purple? Why is on this season's &*%^ list?
3.) I agonize over sizes.. I don't want to be there in the first place so I definitely do not want to RETURN... egads!... so I will take 30 minutes comparing and judging to determine the proper size. Life would be SO much easier if all the companies got together and made ONE size chart instead of every brand having their own sizing... You HEAR me Carters??... You're the worst!!.. Your sizes are two sizes LARGER than every ones!!!
4.) I felt like a skank... yes I did just say that... I hadn't taken a shower last night and my hair was all greasy and yuck.. and I have no clothes that really fit me (partly 'cause I never shop for any..do you need to ask why?) so I look like a dumpling in everything.. I felt dirty and semi-embarrassed about how I looked.
Seriously, oh, it was horrible... I hated it. This is why I make the girls wear their clothes until its indecent... lol
Don't I sound so silly? Oh the horrors I must put up with!! HaHa
On a lighter note... I ended up with cute clothes.. Aidan stayed up late and tried them on... I deliberately bought them all slightly too large because I don't want to go shopping again anytime soon...we are actually keeping them all except 1 pair of shorts... We'll try Ainsley's out tomorrow... Also, I got really cute shoes for the girls...Though I own only two pair of shoes (cheap sneakers and plain black flats) for myself I tend to get a kick out of buying shoes for them.. weird...
Whew, I'm done.. no more shopping! I do still have a few more things to get them but not so much that it'll be too stressful... I think.